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About dbaltz

  • Birthday 09/06/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Farmington Arkansas
  • Interests
    Warm Water Fly Fishing

    Stream-River Wading

    Tail Water Trout Fishing

    Canoe Float Fishing

    Small Lake Fishing

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. dbaltz

    Big Sugar 7/22

    Good point Chief
  2. Ok guys I would feel better giving you my email so you can send me yours to get on the Arkansas Smallmouth Alliance mail list. If you fish for smallies in Arkansas please join me in starting this alliance. Any level of envvement is appreciated. davidbaltz@me.com Send me an email with the subject being ASA and I will add you to the mailing list. (Ham I have yours already)
  3. I'm adding you to the list! If there are any specific intrest concerns, needs that they woul like to see addressed through this Alliance.
  4. If there is anyone out there who would like to assist in any way please let me know. We will have an Arkansas Smallmouth Alliance for 2013!
  5. This is great news! We will get this going. I will get in more contact with you tonight after work in regards to specifics.
  6. August 30 is the date I've been told.
  7. I went and pulled the sein net out and converted to live bait when times got tough.
  8. Went to watch my wife's uncle in the FLW weigh in one year and a 3rd of the fish were smallies. The state record smallie is out of bullshoals tipping the scales over 7lbs.
  9. Fisher Men and Women, I have contacted the powers that be to start the ball moving on an Arkansas Smallmouth Aaliance. The Natural State is long overdue for support to the fisheries we love and enjoy. If you or anyone you know are intrested In getting involved with the formation of the ASA please repply back to this discussion with an email I can send out info on a preliminary meeting date and other news. Thank you, David William Baltz Davidbaltz@me.com
  10. dbaltz

    Big Sugar 7/22

    Wow that is dry! Little Sugar is still flowing with all its springs feeding it. Slow and low. What about Indian Creek? Any water there?
  11. Once a week with a float once among and a serious multiple day float twice a year.
  12. Just caught my first smallmouth on mud creek in Fayettevile! I only thought spots lived there.
  13. Ive seen people tie a mulbery patern and fish them under mulberys. Carp can't keep from slurping it up.
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