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Joe C

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Everything posted by Joe C

  1. Is the URL working?
  2. Caught this little trophy on a home tied pheasant tail jig. Just a tad over 12 inches
  3. Phil How deep is the water off of your dock where you do the one cast video? I realize that it depends on the generation, but I would like to know. Thanks, I really look forward to your one cast every day.
  4. WOW! Just goes to show you that catch and release does work!
  5. Is this still available? 2. Redington Crosswater Combo 9' 7wt (w/ Fieldline rode tube)... $65.00 http://i312.photobuc...73/P1011154.jpg
  6. Dont do the crime unless you can do the time
  7. I am considering purchasing a set of beathable waders with a zippered front. I broke my hip in a car accident a few years back and have a hard time raising my leg high enough to get my waders on easily. Then to try to tie my boots up. Its a pain in my....Hip. I was thinking the zippered front would help, but worry about the zipper leaking. Anyone have any experience goo or bad?
  8. PM me if its still available with Pics Thanks
  9. A River Runs Through It
  10. My son and I hiked downstream on the path at Baptist Camp saturday. We caught a handful of rainbows as we fished down stream then back up to the parking lot. We did observe 2 fellows on a high cut bank with five gallon buckets and heavy duty poles and very heavy line. The high bank (6-8ft) was above a fairly deep pool. The lines in the water seemed heavely weighted and did not move with the stiff current. They were staring at the pool then reach into the pucket and grab a rock and chuck it into the water. As we move past them upstream, they didn't make eye contact or make conversation, it made me feel very uneasy,(like bajo's in the woods). I would have called some one, but my phone had got wet, and I would not know who to call either. Word to the wise...Please be careful. With the recent theft attempt at Tan Vat and now this, I am taking very seriously, some of the recent comments about protecting myself.
  11. I hope you take this the way I intend, but you're getting on my nerves and I think I'm beginning to hate you! Or maybe I'm just jealous.
  12. I 'm thinking of heading to Tan Vat or Baptist this weekend. How are the crowds and fishing pressure in these areas? What can I expect? Now that bow season has started, are the crowds any better?
  13. Weaver's has a pic... http://www.missouritrout.com/weavers/report.html
  14. Where is Hudson's Corner?
  15. I know this may be a dumb question, but what is the problem? Numbers of fish? Size of fish? Stocking number? Poaching? I'm not there and I cant tell if you dont make it clear to me. All I have is the web cam and this forum to get my information.
  16. I think it was temporarily zoomed in at a point above the dam, never mind.
  17. I see the web cam is either in a different location or facing in a different direction. Can anyone verify?
  18. "Its not a too ma!"
  19. I have used them and found the same thing. They do kink your line. They also do not stay put very well if you try to use them closer to the tippet. I am in search of the perfect indicator and have tried many. I recently found a traditional red and white bobber a little smaller than the med thingamabobber, but have not had it in field to try it. I hesitate because I may get a look from the fly fishing snobs. If maybe some mfgr would be smart enough to make them in a more fly fishing snob-free colors, it could take off.
  20. Does anyone know if the MDC clips any fins of hatchery fish?
  21. Just a little word play to get people's attention, pardon my ruse. I thought it was clever.
  22. Everyone I know wears a hat. How about a logo hat pin for the waders?
  23. That was my feeling too. They fought very hard and I felt really bad about the sow spilling eggs when they could be the next generation of streambred fish. Between me and my son we caught at least 3 that spilled eggs.
  24. My son and I were able to fish the flats above and below Outlet 1 weds and thurs. I noticed several redds being created and caught several in the 18" range that were either milking or spilling eggs. How successful are the rainbows reproducing in Taney? Do they survive? How can you tell if its a hatchery fish? Quick report: We caught the majority on black or green zebra midges. Had mixed results with peach or yellow egg pattern, and did catch one on a griffiths dry on weds with no generation.
  25. Joe C

    Tan Vat

    Lilly is da man!
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