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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. My buddy and I did Buck Hollow to Bay Creek Sat and Sun. We where the only ones on that stretch other than a very nice family at Rhymers who drove down to the river. We didn't fish a ton but until about 11 this morning(Sunday) we caught 8 or 9 1 - 1.5 lbs small mouths and a couple 1+ lbs. large mouths. All on Texas rigged Black or Green and Orange 4" soft craws. Later in the evening I had luck with a bright frog patter 1/8 oz. roster tail. Lots of big fish sighted. The river was very clear and beautiful. Low but I've seen lower this summer. We made good time by traveling light in solo canoes and only clipped rocks occasionally. We had to pick our lines carefully. Usually the last mile before Bay Creek there's a shoals or two we have to 'scoot' over a little to get through. But we avoided that this trip. However, that stretch was too long for fall. Next trip will be Buck to Rhymers so we can sleep in, fish more and paddle a little less. We didn't put in until 1pm on Saturday and stopped to camp at 5. We had to keep moving Sunday and didn't fish near as much as we liked. BTW Special thanks to the gentleman at Rhymers for his assistance. 7:45am Sunday October 2
  2. That's a terrible feeling. Happened at Buck Hollow to a friend of mine a few years ago too. I have someone drive my car to their place overnight and drop it the day I need it. It costs but the peace of mind is nice.
  3. . I think JoeD wants a report.
  4. That will be a fun trip. What is your paddling experience? What kind of craft will you be in? If you are less experienced paddlers or in any case you should be careful with any blind corners when the river spits off. The high water will have setup a lot of new strainers out of trees. With rain predicted most days between now(Monday)and Saturday you will have to watch the level carefully. Go to the USGS Real time water data site and set the timeline to 60 days so you can see those spikes in the level. You don't want to be there then so consider high ground escape when camping. Maybe someone else can confirm this with more experience, I have found somewhere between 3.5 to 5 feet at Mountain view to be fun class II with trees sometimes making it ugly. Above that it gets dangerous with a lot of unpredictable dynamics but it never stays there long. I have a feeling the level this weekend will probably be perfect for you guys around 2.5-2.8. I think the fishing will be good too. I usually paddle it at 1.1 in the heat of the summer with a light load. I do Rymers to Bay Creek, which is 8 miles in two slow comfy days with a lot of fishing and some side hikes. You guys are doing 24 miles. If you'd like to hike and play around in the riffles maybe consider taking out at Bay Creek and camp just passed Teachers camp or you'd probably want to get at least as far as Chalk Bluff to camp if you go all the way to Alley. It's going to awesome. Have fun.
  5. My buddy and I did a trip from Greer to Riverton on June 30 - July 1. The fishing was slow both days. I pulled out 3 nice rainbows 14" to 16" on day 1 and a 14" on day 2. All with a green and gold 1/16 Mepps. We could have tried harder really. The weather was perfect but the biggest problem were the Jet Boats. Other than the first few hours of the trip coming down from Greer, there was hardly 30 minutes of silence before hearing another one. Not what I would call a relaxing "wilderness experience". One guy and his girl friend had a stereo that was louder than his 2 cycle engine. You heard him 3 minutes before and after he flew by at 20mph. Another guy was doing doughnuts in every pool he could find as he came up the river. One other Jet Boater and his family were flying down the river and their kids were jumping out of the boat and then getting picked back up to do it over and over again. We also noticed a lot of oil sheen on the water and the smell of two cycle engines hung in the air. Is this the norm down there now or something to do with a holiday weekend coming up? This was only my second time on the Eleven Point and my first below Turners. My first trip a year ago last spring from Cane to Turners was incredible. We saw one campsite above Greer and not another soul or a single Jet Boat on the water. The fishing was unreal too. We hooked a 12"+ on every cast for a good stretch. We were really bummed out after this last trip. I've since become more interested in conservation because of it. Seeing a river change so much in a year and a half was a big shock. Has anyone else seen this change? I'm not looking for an apology from a Jet Boater. I don't understand why they are allowed there in the first place. A river is a very narrow corridor that of which you really can't avoid other people. I go out in my canoe for peace and relaxation. To get away from the noise. My silence and stillness doesn't interfere with a Jet Boaters enjoyment of the river but his noise and speed certainly destroys my good time. Lakes are a much more appropriate place for them.
  6. Like the thread before this is a great inspiration to get up and do something. I found this video I think all who come to this forum should take the time to watch. This river is worth your time please give it a look. Why we must save the Current River, again. <---clicky clicky
  7. Hi. I have been in love with the Jacks Fork River for more than a decade. A lot of you have for longer than that. The fishing, canoeing, hiking...I love it all. I found this video I think all who come to this forum should take the time to watch. This river is worth your time please give it a look. Why we must save the Current River(and Jacks Fork), again. <---clicky clicky
  8. Thanks Gene, I see I failed to format the links properly.
  9. I stole this post and thought I should post this here to get the word out. I'm not sure if someone else has brought this up but redundancy can't hurt on things that mean so much to us: ozark scenic riverway meeting next friday (june26) be there Does everyone realize this is very, very, important? You are being provided another opportunity to participate, and essentially vote on the alternatives!! Information is available from the NPS web site: http://www.nps.gov/ozar/parkmgmt/general-m...information.htm you will need to poke around and get to the right page, then download the plan and comment form on PDF. Try here: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?p...ocumentID=27597 Open houses are scheduled week of June 22 St. Louis Friday June 26, Crown Plaza Hotel - Clayton 3:30-7:00. Other open meetings will be in Van Buren, Eminence, Salem, Columbia. Deadline for participating is now, do not delay. Study up, be there or be square.....you can be sure the atv and horse folks will be out in force. This is the NPS, not the NFS, your opinions shall be consideredl!!! Here's the original post on the MWA forum from Gootch. http://www.missouriwhitewater.org/uieforum...p;ThreadID=1969
  10. Anyone get out to the meeting in Clayton last Friday?
  11. I stole this post and thought I should post this here to get the word out. I'm not sure if someone else has brought this up but redundancy can't hurt on things that mean so much to us: ozark scenic riverway meeting next friday (june26) be there Does everyone realize this is very, very, important? You are being provided another opportunity to participate, and essentially vote on the alternatives!! Information is available from the NPS web site: http://www.nps.gov/ozar/parkmgmt/general-m...information.htm you will need to poke around and get to the right page, then download the plan and comment form on PDF. Try here: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?p...ocumentID=27597 Open houses are scheduled week of June 22 St. Louis Friday June 26, Crown Plaza Hotel - Clayton 3:30-7:00. Other open meetings will be in Van Buren, Eminence, Salem, Columbia. Deadline for participating is now, do not delay. Study up, be there or be square.....you can be sure the atv and horse folks will be out in force. This is the NPS, not the NFS, your opinions shall be consideredl!!! Here's the original post on the MWA forum from Gootch. http://www.missouriwhitewater.org/uieforum...p;ThreadID=1969
  12. I stole this post and thought I should post this here to get the word out. I'm not sure if someone else has brought this up but redundancy can't hurt on things that mean so much to us: ozark scenic riverway meeting next friday (june26) be there Does everyone realize this is very, very, important? You are being provided another opportunity to participate, and essentially vote on the alternatives!! Information is available from the NPS web site: http://www.nps.gov/ozar/parkmgmt/general-m...information.htm you will need to poke around and get to the right page, then download the plan and comment form on PDF. Try here: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?p...ocumentID=27597 Open houses are scheduled week of June 22 St. Louis Friday June 26, Crown Plaza Hotel - Clayton 3:30-7:00. Other open meetings will be in Van Buren, Eminence, Salem, Columbia. Deadline for participating is now, do not delay. Study up, be there or be square.....you can be sure the atv and horse folks will be out in force. This is the NPS, not the NFS, your opinions shall be consideredl!!! Here's the original post on the MWA forum from Gootch. http://www.missouriwhitewater.org/uieforum...p;ThreadID=1969
  13. I stole this post and thought I should post this here to get the word out. I'm not sure if someone else has brought this up but redundancy can't hurt on things that mean so much to us: ozark scenic riverway meeting next friday (june26) be there Does everyone realize this is very, very, important? You are being provided another opportunity to participate, and essentially vote on the alternatives!! Information is available from the NPS web site: http://www.nps.gov/ozar/parkmgmt/general-m...information.htm you will need to poke around and get to the right page, then download the plan and comment form on PDF. Try here: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?p...ocumentID=27597 Open houses are scheduled week of June 22 St. Louis Friday June 26, Crown Plaza Hotel - Clayton 3:30-7:00. Other open meetings will be in Van Buren, Eminence, Salem, Columbia. Deadline for participating is now, do not delay. Study up, be there or be square.....you can be sure the atv and horse folks will be out in force. This is the NPS, not the NFS, your opinions shall be consideredl!!! Here's the original post on the MWA forum from Gootch. http://www.missouriwhitewater.org/uieforum...p;ThreadID=1969
  14. I stole this post and thought I should post this here to get the word out. I'm not sure if someone else has brought this up but redundancy can't hurt on things that mean so much to us: ozark scenic riverway meeting next friday (june26) be there Does everyone realize this is very, very, important? You are being provided another opportunity to participate, and essentially vote on the alternatives!! Information is available from the NPS web site: http://www.nps.gov/ozar/parkmgmt/general-m...information.htm you will need to poke around and get to the right page, then download the plan and comment form on PDF. Try here: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?p...ocumentID=27597 Open houses are scheduled week of June 22 St. Louis Friday June 26, Crown Plaza Hotel - Clayton 3:30-7:00. Other open meetings will be in Van Buren, Eminence, Salem, Columbia. Deadline for participating is now, do not delay. Study up, be there or be square.....you can be sure the atv and horse folks will be out in force. This is the NPS, not the NFS, your opinions shall be consideredl!!! Here's the original post on the MWA forum from Gootch. http://www.missouriwhitewater.org/uieforum...p;ThreadID=1969
  15. I stole this post and thought I should post this here to get the word out. I'm not sure if someone else has brought this up but redundancy can't hurt on things that mean so much to us: ozark scenic riverway meeting next friday (june26) be there Does everyone realize this is very, very, important? You are being provided another opportunity to participate, and essentially vote on the alternatives!! Information is available from the NPS web site: http://www.nps.gov/ozar/parkmgmt/general-m...information.htm you will need to poke around and get to the right page, then download the plan and comment form on PDF. Try here: http://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?p...ocumentID=27597 Open houses are scheduled week of June 22 St. Louis Friday June 26, Crown Plaza Hotel - Clayton 3:30-7:00. Other open meetings will be in Van Buren, Eminence, Salem, Columbia. Deadline for participating is now, do not delay. Study up, be there or be square.....you can be sure the atv and horse folks will be out in force. This is the NPS, not the NFS, your opinions shall be consideredl!!! Here's the original post on the MWA forum from Gootch. http://www.missouriwhitewater.org/uieforum...p;ThreadID=1969
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