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About peculiarmike

  • Birthday 03/23/1947

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Peculiar, MO
  • Interests
    Retired professional railroader, Hunt, Fish, Smoke killer BBQ, Certified KCBS BBQ Judge, Do some BBQ competitions, Fish some bass tournaments. I like guns and beer.

peculiarmike's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Well, if you are still checking this post - Tuesday, 4-28-09 - BIG rains the last 3-4 days. I'm at Peculiar and I've had 4 1/2" in 3 days, more coming. Truman is coming up. I ran down 71 Hwy yesterday heading to Stockton, lot of flooding by the creeks and rivers along 71, all of which feed Truman. Can't say for sure how it will be when you get there, but I think it will be up and brown.
  2. That would be Thibaut Point Park, pronounced "Tebo". Nice place to camp. Boat launch, nice shower house, swim beach (if the lake isn't up). Has a lot of basic sites, not as many with electricity, all shady. It's located north of Warsaw, go north up 65 from Warsaw and keep your eyes open for the sign, turn left. Watch out for crazies passing on 65! Pretty good area for fishing. Crappie, bass. Go to the website in the above post to get info, see a campground map, make reservations, etc. You'll like it.
  3. My report - Fished the Sons Creek area of Stockton yesterday. Put in at 0930, took out at 1930. We had to work at it, but that's OK. Water temp. 60.4°F, some color but closer to banks you can see the bottom. Cloudy day, light breeze. We concentrated on pea gravel or pea gravel with small chunk rock banks having buck brush in the water. Indentations or pockets in the banks were more productive. Larger trees or concentrations of buck brush in the water close to the bank were a plus. I was using a fluorescent pink Roadrunner head with a smoke color 2" single tail grub on it rigged tail up, my partner was using a gray Roadrunner and switching off to a chartruse Roadrunner off and on. All caught fish equally well. We caught 19 BIG crappie and about 125 8" bass. The crappie were here and there, most we caught in one spot was 6. Mostly one-two and move. Didn't have to measure any fish and all were well in the keeper range. Largest was 3 lbs. Probably would have caught several more crappie but we couldn't keep the little bass off the Roadrunners. If they all survive Stockton will have some killer bass fishing in about 3 years. I wouldn't look for this fishing to last much longer, get after it while you can. There were enough boats there my partner said "I wonder if anyone works anymore?" We're both retired. Posted the same report on crappie.com
  4. Thursday, 3/26 - Got my boat back from Bill at SonSac Marine and dumped it in at Twin Bridges, first launch I came to, wanted to see how it did. And it did fine. Still makes tears stream back on my cheeks without eye protection. Ran up into Son's Creek a bit and fished a small pocket I generally find some crappie and bass in. No crappie takers, but.... I put on a Wiggle Wart and caught 11 bass in an hour and a half in that pocket. No big ones but a lot of fun. Since the boat was in the shop I did not have my Lowrance with me so no water temp, etc.
  5. Kiddies, we all have to learn to share. There is only so much room in any given area and others have the same right as you do to be there. The fellow 20 feet up the bank may well have had the same thoughts as you when you arrived. But may have been polite enough to not say anything or cause you any problem. Can't we all just get along???
  6. Just POOR management by the city of Sprangfiel. They gave out a sweetheart deal to some favored folks and let it ride for years. Now they think the boaters should shoulder the costs. In reality the city has been getting $1500 a year out of the deal!!! The boat registration fees even went in the pockets of the sweet deal marina operators! And the city says they have been using $41000 of the water customers money to pay for "maintenance" that should have been paid for by the registration fees and use fees paid by the marina operator. And it took an audit of the city to reveal this deal. Instead of hosing the boater, who only uses the access road, launch and the really nice gravel parking area, the city needs to put the marina operation and associated surrounding property rented as storage up for bid. And the operator providing marina services should be subject to review and loss of contract at any time in the event the review is unsatisfactory. I'll go a $10 yearly fee with NO raise in fees guaranteed for 10 years. That is plenty. And I agree, the city owned marina could go away and not be missed. That would cut costs a good bit.
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