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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Plastic_worm

  1. Here's one of my favorite shots from my trip.
  2. Maybe not the entire river again but certain sections, absolutely. We had to pass up so many great looking places that I know had great fishing. Some you could spend a week fishing and not fish the same spot twice.
  3. The last part with some fish! We were there during the American shad run so I had my 6wt with me (but I only brought 6 flies lol). Hooked 2 but both spit the hook but I did manage a few hybrids. https://looknfishy.blogspot.com/2018/02/st-johns-river-story-final.html
  4. Here is part 2. https://looknfishy.blogspot.com/2018/02/st-johns-river-story-part-2.html
  5. One is in the works!
  6. Yeah it pretty much sucked for everyone in FL during that time.
  7. Yeah, covering 15-20 miles each day in a loaded kayak left little time to fish. Good thing I went for the adventure and brought more camera gear than fishing gear. However, there were a few days we left the fish biting...that's the hardest but you can't hang out when you have 10 miles to a shelter.
  8. Spent the month of January kayaking the entire St Johns River (310 miles) in Florida. We started in central FL south of Orlando and made our way north eventually ending at Huguenot park outside of Jacksonville, FL. I need to do more expeditions in the future, I t was a blast. Fishing wasn't great (massive cold front and Hurricane Irma put a hurting on the area) but I did catch my first alligator gar. Part 1 here: https://looknfishy.blogspot.com/2018...ry-part-1.html
  9. The Fall bite has been really good. I've seen two giant bass caught (check my FB page for pics) but I was starting to get bored with the normal routine. At the last minute, I decided to put the conventional gear away and grab the fly rod. Went searching for my favorite local fresh water fish not expecting to find any this late in the year. I was wrong. https://www.facebook.com/looknfishy/
  10. The best fishing trips can sometimes be the ones that are not planned. Here's a short video from a trip that I literally planned on the go. I had a few days free so I packed some camping gear and headed to Grand Isle, LA with hopes of catching a bull redfish. Two buddies saw I was in town and reached out to me to go fishing with them. Man, it was a great trip with good buddies and too many fish to count. Trips like these are the best!
  11. Lol, yeah it's how I grew up fishing. I had knee surgery in Aug and had to take a seat for a few months. Like anything else, the old feels new again, and I'm really enjoying it. But I can't keep away from the fly long. Some species just scream fly rod.
  12. Lol, I won't comment about you watching my casts to keep from making this awkward. Yeah it was a great trip, the last one was a true bull we didn't measure it (I never do) but the guy I was with est. 36-37"...I just want to get them back in the water asap. I saw another but the clouds kept her out of sight until she was right beside the kayak. I think it was over 40".
  13. Sight fishing redfish is easily my favorite thing to do. When the weather is right I can't, not go. On this trip 2 guys I've talked to online reached out to me after I got in town and we made plans to fish 2 out of the 3 days I was in town. It was a great trip. Made some new friends and we caught a bunch of redfish. Here's the short (not so short) video. Hope you guys enjoy.
  14. Felsenthal NWR
  15. Bass fishing in the Fall can be some of the best action of the year. You can target more aggressive bass with search baits and catch numbers. But you can also find a few larger fish if you slow down and fish the transitions areas. Last week, I did both and it was a great week of fishing. Thanks for watching!!
  16. My thoughts on the new Jackson Kayak Coosa FD including an on the water demonstration. There are no perfect kayaks but if you're looking for one that will work in places like mine (cypress swamps) I believe this one is at the top of the list. It's not the fastest and won't win a sprint but being able to pedal all day and still fish has allowed be to almost double the water I fish (think more marathon). In short, I'm really happy with the Coosa FD. Now to make it fly proof...that review is in the works.
  17. It's always fun to get away for a few days. Was able to meet a few guys I know down in SELA and the fishing was great. https://looknfishy.blogspot.com/2017/11/going-with-flow-fly-fishing-in.html
  18. Had a few good trips last week. Lots of bass caught, including one really good one. Mostly fished search baits for the aggressive fish. Slowed down and fished a jig in the transition areas near where I found bait for the big fish.
  19. It means more b/c of A and B, lol. Thank you for saying!
  20. Thank you. Yeah the refuge is pretty great. Tons of fish and not many people.
  21. You wouldn't be surprised to learn I've never seen another person fly fishing in Felsenthal NWR. I'm sure someone does but I've never seen it. Part of the fun is getting around the obstacles but the other part is you never know what will eat...
  22. That's a trip I hope to do soon. A buddy did it last summer but I wasn't able to join them...wish I had.
  23. Short video from 2 trips last week. One was frustrating but the other was pretty fun...
  24. Here's a short video on Time Remapping and a chance to win a $200 giftcard.
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