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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Not all kits are a waste. Here's Wapsi's for about $55. You can't get started any cheaper. Upgrade other stuff at your BP Shop once you get started... Later DL http://www.wapsifly.com/wapkits.html
  2. Thanks for the heads up JD. My dates were wrong...5/24-27/10...not 17-20 wrong week. Your right is was messed up week before. But great thing about the Spring it clears up and falls out pretty quick. Fished there last fall. Had a couple break off right below Dam 3 across the chute. There's still some around... I had planned on camping and fishing JFK on the Lil Red but the non reserve spots were gone, ereything full up. I had been watching the low water/10 to 10 generation pattern even with 4' above pool and was gonna beat the holiday crowd. Got a cabin at Lobo/Libby and was gonna drive/fish but the dang powers that be decided on one generator for 3 days. I caught 2 in the Park as I discovered high water when I got there and noticed high water at Libby Shoals. Drats!!! So, we packed up and came to Mammoth. Third year now I've missed the Lil Red. Maybe things will settle down by fall. I expected to tangle with some chunk bows at the Spring and was pleaseantly surprised when I kept catching browns... Here's a few I killed for the motel man. last year. It's a shame to watch the baiters kill gut hooked fish till they get 5 big ones. No wonder the snakes are so big... Later DL
  3. Just got back from Mammoth/Spring River the water's little cloudy, prolly helped not to spook fish....Lotta rainbows on brite stuff...Missed a couple of hoss rainbows. 18" Next day same run, 20" Found a wad of stockers in a flat run near the surface and caught bunch on a dry fly. They thought the Humpy was hatchery pellets, I guess The browns liked my sculpins and cdads...the bows too. Released them all to be caught another day... Thanks Arkie Land for some great trouting! Couldn't edit the title...the dates should read 5/24-27/10...My bad.
  4. I's here Boss...
  5. Notice some talking about some bright flies using colored beads lately. Here's some of my candy. Also some with the orange "hot collar" or bead. And a reminder fellars check the Xmas decoration aisles there's some great Flashbeau/XMAS TREE TINSEL around!
  6. Posted this on FTF thought I'd drop it here cuz this place is so slow... Hope this helps someone. I use 20#, 30# would be better on big poppers. You gotta start your thread on the eye ahead of the cork to tie'em off and you can't forget them in the beginning... I like to seperate mine...
  7. The Spring makes the place unique...Friendly people too...
  8. Hey you pecker heads...all tying kits ain't junk. http://www.wapsifly.com/wapkits.html Later DL
  9. The lil craws were alright; caught some at Spring River but couldn't get the big browns on the White to take'em. I think these will "act" more like craws.... Also, along that idea some d-rib and some mono eyes for some stone/dragon possibilities. Wana try Lil Red next week, if it ever quits raining Later DL
  10. Any recent reports from anybody? The report from the fly shop has been carbon copy for a couple of months now. Did the rains effect it any and does the fall DO become a problem for fish activity? Antsy about another trip in a couple of weeks. Thanks for any info. Later DL
  11. The beads did come from Michaels. They aern't consistent, ie some won't go around the hook bend but they are indeed glass and not plastic. Large assorted package is $3. The whole idea came when I noticed the buggy skirts on the jigs. I'd rather have the tiny rubber legs also. There ain't no fly shops around here except BP in Jackson, Ms. 2 hrs. away. Thus the foraging and the idea passed along... I use the lil glass beads alot. Being glass they add a little weight but I wrap lead wire underbodies on most of'em anyway. The different colors and the clearness adds to the buggyness, is why I use them. Later DL Oh, "aint's" http://www.myfishingpictures.com/data/500/medium/Aints.jpg
  12. Got some glass beads from the craft store and some legs off some bass jigs, lil dubbing, wire....Thought I'd pass it along.... Later DL
  13. Maybe I shouldn't weight'em down with the lead wire?
  14. Jaun mo time... Last year, my first trip, the water was dingy and I came up with a weighted "egg critter" that I tied in the motel room that knocked 'em dead. Got the idea from a saltwter pattern. I killed a few bows for the Motel manager. I watched some baiters release about a dozen smaller trout that appeared gut hooked to me before they got 5 big ones each. As they were leaving I asked did they think those they released would make it. "Yeh the'd be aight". Shesh! Later DL
  15. Even though they seem to be flashing, maybe picking snails off the rocks. Humped up chennile or peacock herl with a soft hackle is the usual dressing. I tried my snails but after lotta refusals I favored a more heartier offering of the crawdads or sculpins...Maybe I didn't give the snails enough chance and mine were weighted. Since the fish are full of snails and they're so plentiful I wanted to think they wanted sumthin different.... They jumped on the dads! Failed to get a 5 pounder but caught more browns than before on the Spring this trip. Here's some of my other favorites on the Spring. Use lotta streamers too...sorry no pic now. The pink scuds'a goodin in dingy water... Hope this helps and lil eye candy to get the spirits up for your trip!!!!! Later DL
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