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Everything posted by woodyb

  1. Not the Elite series, but I did get to ride in the PAA in 2011 at TR. Rode with Mike McClelland day one, Tommy Martin day two, and David Nichol day three. All 3 were great to go with and it was well worth the money. Learned that they use the same jigs, spoons, rods, reels, and line, as everyone else but they pay attention to the small details that I never noticed until then. Would do it again if they brought back the observers instead of co anglers.
  2. You might try the Missouri State Water Patrol regatta permit search below. You can search by lakes and by month. They list several tournaments. http://www.mswp.dps.mo.gov/regattas/regsearch.asp
  3. first off, i just asked because maybe i did not understand and was not being negitive about anything and was not assuming anything hence the reason for the question. secondly, i did do some research and found out that lake conroe is less than half the size of table rock based on surface acres. approx 16 miles from furthest north to furthest south points, while table rock is approx 55 to 65 miles depending on which river you choose.
  4. Please tell me if I'm wrong because I would like to fish this, but it really sounds like a cluster, but maybe I just don't understand. The only weigh in is all the way on one end of the lake, so for me to fish I will have a 30 - 45 minute or more (depending on pleasue boaters) boat ride or car ride to get to weigh in, then I have to wait for everyone to weigh in if I am in the top 5 of the hourly weigh in beore I am released to go back to fishing, so I am going to lose more than an hour of fishing each time I weigh in, so I can only weigh in maybe 4 times per day.
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