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About ohmz138

  • Birthday 07/16/1984

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  • Location
    Collinsville, Illinois
  • Interests
    Sharing the outdoors and the sport of fishing with my kids, family and friends. Learning and perfecting the sport of fly fishing with my dad, and in a few years, my son and daughter.

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Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. Hopefully we can see some fish like that this year. That one I about hooked a couple years ago looked to be about 4 or 5 inches wide when looking down at it. That bad dude chased that streamer all the way to my feet pretty much before it took. I think I was having a seizure about that time, so I forgot how to set a hook I guess.lol.
  2. Hi Rick. Nice hearin from ya. I'll try!
  3. Thanks for asking. None of these fish were hooked there. They happened to be landed there though. After fighting a fish downstream, the shallow water right there serves an advantage if you can steer that fish into it. The more shallow and slower water can help you corral that fish and get it in the net. It is also a great place with the shallow grassy water to take a picture and get it back into the net to be revived quickly. I figured that would come up though. My few fish were hooked up maybe 30 yards or so down from outlet two, but there were big fish scattered everywhere, if you looked in the right spots.
  4. Thanks fellas. I wish I coulda stayed longer. The weekend I was down held the starting of some great fish. Saturday there was some in the 23 inch class as well. Sunday when I got the brown, I managed to hook into four other fish that were way bigger than that brown. One that was probably near double from what I hear. Dad got a better look at it. What a monster rainbow though right! Holy crap. Like every year, he has been torturing me daily with trophy fish pictures. Oh well, Dad you are the best fly fisherman I know, hands down. What dad you don't want to show the REALLY big fish picture? Hey guys, how does 36 INCHES sound!!!!!!!!!!!! :bouaaaaah:
  5. I agree Rick.
  6. Gotta love it....not hardly.
  7. It really is that simple, pretty much. Training your eyes to look for the right things helps too, which just takes time to get experience. Trying to spot fish a riffle is alot like trying to look at one of those "magic eye" pictures that hit the market a few years back. At least to me it is, but I have been called crazy numerous times.
  8. lots o fish in there. have fun. they were hitting everything.
  9. Beleive me Laker, we were lookin. We saw other decent ones but not the one we were looking for. We watched that area for a good while two different times in the day looking for it. He can't hide forever, well maybe. We did see tons of other fish though, nothing real terribly special.
  10. Yeah it stinks after awhile too. No doubt the fish like to hide under it though.
  11. That's what I meant. The CLA2 to be exact.
  12. The Ross Cimarron or Vexsis reels are extremely reliable. Many big fish caught on them, always can count on a Ross when you hook up to a serious fish.
  13. There are a couple nice fish in there that are pretty beat up. The big 23" female shown above has a few cuts on her from eagles it looked like, but she was feeding (obviously), and swimming healthy. Dad said the next day he saw someone snag the same fish. There is probvably a few others being caught or snagged or both by now. The big male that we were really wanting was very big and very healthy. Big darn fish for MSP.
  14. Good flies, good presentation, and X-ray vision = big fish. Even if there aren't any real big fish around, finding the better fish in any area and targeting that one is a good way of doing it. Your presentation is a huge part of it though. Good job on that 21 incher. We had one male spotted that was pretty close to 10 pounds or better. I had a chance but I brushed him with the rig and he spooked. By far the biggest fish I have seen there.
  15. We went Saturday. Fishing was pretty good. Fish in every area. Netted a nice male for one guy around 21 inches, here is a big 23inch hen I was able to find. Released unharmed. The fish had some cuts on it's back from an eagle I imagine.
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