I definitely agree with you about the guys standing around after a derby saying, "if i only would of had a 6 pounder I would of won" Yea so would fifty other guys!
There is a guy that fishes the ozarks by the name of "Cowboy" who is famous for saying these exact words. It has gotten to the point where people actually egg him
on after the tournaments about how many big ones he lost, just to get a big laugh!! One thing I do not agree with you Bill is about the unprofessionalism of the FLW
boys. I have fished both BASS and FLW co-angler and I just fished FLW this past week, The one big difference I noticed this week was the LACK of EGOS the FLW
anglers have compared to the BASS guys. For the most part the FLW anglers were good ol' boys just like us having fun fishing. I would guess that out of the 150
anglers 100 have real jobs when they are not fishing. I did not see any guys like Skeet or Rojas or Swindle who think they are to COOL for everyone else. I fished
with Andy Montgomery and Brandon Coulter, both guys gave me plenty of water and went out of there way to net my fish. I can't say the same thing about Ken Cook
on Grand lake two years ago (complete jerk)! Anyways I finished 49th and had a blast!