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imonembad's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I can't freeking sleep!!!
  2. I have caught walleys on the upper to mid river of the osage river by jiging tubes tip with minnows off of the long tappered points in the big creek arms [rainy&procter] Your location is probably a good on for this technique execept you run the real chance of being killed by some knuckel head trying it.
  3. Im back, Thanks for the advice it gave me the confidence to run the creek and win the tournament With 13.10lbs.They would'nt hit the spinnerbaits or the jig but they anniolated the buzzbait we caught 12 keepers and lost a nice one. Thanks again.peace
  4. Howdy, what are we going to burn in our bass rigs when the gas has to be a certain % ethenol?
  5. thanks alot guys im wanting to work the spinnerbait trick, ive had luck with this techniqe in the past.do you think the falling water level will mess with this patteren?
  6. i have a club tournament the first weekend in june icant find what the lake level is when it is full pool. can any one help? im wanting to get up the lindley as far as possible.
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