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Everything posted by Tsnert

  1. Walleye, my pump is mounted fine, but I did check and that was a good tip. I should have used a plate as well, maybe if I move it I will. Seth I guess I could lower it but didnt want to rip it off all the time. How many have you gone through? I have a 1752 with 60/40 4 stroke merc. and it pushes the boat at 34 on gps so maybe its running to fast. oh well i will play with it when I get more time. Thanks.
  2. Thanks guys, I by no means am using it for navigation. I was just curious if anyone had luck with them at speed. I was pretty sure that it wouldnt work but had to ask any how. I get fine readings while trolling when I am fishing so I will just leave it alone.
  3. I am wondering if anybody out there has any suggestions on transducer mounting. I am not gettting a constant reading at high speeds, the depth will jump from the correct depth to the hundreds then back again it also will zero itself out. This happens while going straight but more frequently when making even the slightest turn. I have the seam of the transducer just a little lower than the bottom of the boat on a flat bottom. This is what hummingbird said to do in the instructions. I have raised the mount as high as it will go, so to get it any higher I will need to drill new holes. I am curious if because of the way the boat rides on plane if it is possible to get high speed readings at all? If the mount is raised so the reciever is even with the bottom of the boat and that works I would have no problem drilling new holes but if its pointless then the less holes in my boat the better. As always I appreciate any help. Thanks.
  4. Al or Bman, is the river level just simply a measurment from bottom to surface at a specific location? You will have to excuse my ignorance, but what is the river flow rate going to tell me? in other words how do you read it? is it just experience from looking at the levels and flow and then seeing what the river looks like during those times and remembering, or am I missing something? Once again thanks again.
  5. I really appreciate the advice from both of you, Bman and Al. Al your trick with the rope is sounds great, I will be doing alot of solo trips and in the cold as well so I am sure it will come in handy. Bman I uploaded a pick. I will keep an eye out for your river pro (if its not just a green blur darting by!). Now if we can just get a break in the weather for a couple of weeks. Thanks again. ---Tom
  6. Thanks for the tip Bman, where do you guys get your information such as the flow rate and river levels? I have a 1752 xterminator with a 60/40 merc 4 stroke. Congratulations on your river pro, that is one nice boat. I saw one a few times last year between palisades and allenton. I tried to upload a pic, but it failed several times I will try agian later. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks a bunch Al I am going to clearwater lake this weekend to get use to the boat in open water. The area you described is very close to me so I am familiar with it. Its good to hear a realistic depth of water requierd, most people say the can run in 2-3 inches. I feel that 4-5 is more comfortable to me without having any real feel for it yet myself, but I will save those depths until I have some hours under my belt. You might already know but the campground at meramec has a boat ramp as well, its not paved but the current is no as strong there and there is usually less traffic. What type of rig do you run? Any tips for unloading and loading? Thanks again. --Tom
  8. I have found this site quite informative and decided to quit "poaching" and join in. I look foward to learning from all of you, and hope I can be of some help to others as well.
  9. I just bought my first jet boat and am wondering if anybody knows of some good 6 mile or so sections I could get aquianted with the boat on. I am familiar with the meramec from a canoe perspective, and will run those parts but was just wanting some input from guys with jets. I would like to run some deeper water while I get used to the boat. I would also appreciate any tips on driving a jet besides the obvious. --Thanks
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