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Everything posted by Alfred

  1. I had a chance to speak with Glenn Scott, president of the Nixa Sucker Days committee. He said that sucker grabbing is fading out since the older generation is passing away and the younger generation has little interest. He referred me to Arvil Harp, whose family has supplied Sucker Days with more fish than anyone else over the years. Arvil said that it's been too cold this spring, and that the spawning runs haven't occurred yet. I have a chance to drive down to Nixa (or anywhere else in the area) on Tuesday, April 14 in the late afternoon or evening. I am interested in talking with any local experts on suckers and grabbing and would like to photograph (and maybe record) sucker cleaning, scoring, and cooking, before heading back to Kansas City for a flight the next day. Any referrals would be appreciated. I'd be happy to pay for any expenses (ie I'll pay for your fishing trip!).
  2. It seems like sucker fishing is more popular in the Ozarks than most other parts of the country. For instance, we have spawning runs here in Northern California, but no one fishes for them and no one knows about them. Why is that? I asked a guide from Warsaw, MO, and he said it was because the streams are clearer in the Ozarks, so fish could be spotted to be grabbed or gigged. Does the cleaner water make them tastier? Any insight would be appreciated. I may be in the area (Springfield/Nixa) in mid-April, so if anyone would like to talk about sucker fishing/cooking traditions, I am very interested (preferably over a plate of fried sucker fillets).
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