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Everything posted by minnesotawalleyeguy

  1. Thanks for the info
  2. So how low is Stockton right now? Ive heard its the lowest people have ever seen. I dont know cuz my current work schedule has kept me from going over yet. The boats ready,the tackles ready,im ready...just heard the lake isnt yet.
  3. Question,how deep were u bottom bouncing? I'm going over on Thursday and I was there last Wednesday and got my limit trolling shallow. All four were 16 inches just curious if they're a little deeper yet. Thanks if u divulge your depth tip...Very nice catch thought,congrats!
  4. Very nice! I've been fishing it pretty heavy for 10 yrs and I have good luck getting a limit almost every trip but nothing over 21 inches! Not complaining but I would love a biggin like that.
  5. thanx everybody 4 the info,every bit of it will prove helpful...good luck if ya'll try 2 get some fall "eyes' too
  6. Anybody got any tips for gettin some slabs from now til spring? I grew up in Minnesota ice fishing but its different sitting in a climate controlled shanty versus in a boat and my freezer is getting empty so i need to get some to get me through the winter. I'm planning on using my spring fishing tactics but am not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. i grew up in fairmont and now live in nevada, bout an hr north of joplin
  8. Im from southern minny darn near iowa,you? A buddy tuk me like 5 yrs ago and we caught a pretty gud number of crappie a few walleye,but we basically had 2 much 12oz company if ya catch my drift. lukin forward 2 pressing my luck thursday nite.
  9. Being from Minnesota originally id never heard of using lights to fish after dark but living in MO now ive heard stories of people being very successful at it and am curious to try it. Does anybody hav any pointers on how to do this? The stories ive heard usually involve fishing under bridges,is this accurate? Thinkin bout headin over thursday evening and trying my luck at it. Ive got two lights 1 green 1 that goes in the water and 1 normal 1 that floats on the surface facing down. Shud i use 1 or both? Any pointers wud b appreciated!
  10. I havnt been "eye" hunting since fathers day weekend and am headin over wednesday morning and plan on hittin the same depths as you. Good luck to you and lets hope you post info on ur successful trip.
  11. NICE!!!!
  12. basically id say hit water 15-20 fow and the walleye are hitting on cranks,jigs with minnows, and crawler harnesses. i troll cranks and harnesses and usually leave the water with my limit. good luck!
  13. ive caught several big slab crappie my last few trips. a lot of shorties too, but brought home 20 plus keepers fishing during the day trolling cranks in 15-20fow.
  14. i find points and run from point to point along the shore staying between 15 and 20 fow pulling deep diving cranks. I use crawler harnesses during the summer months and usually fish the same spots i do now, i just move out to like 30 fow, or i move to a flat with a shelf and fish that. i use a 2 oz bottom bouncer and keep my speed 1 mph or less,thats key to my success. 3 limits in my last three trips,id say both lucky and a lil bit knowledgeable. Hope this helps.
  15. Hit the lake bout 430pm 2day and fished til almost dark fighting the wind but still stacked the live well!! Brought home 4 keeper walleye and 6 big slab crappie! Caught a few short bass,crappie and walleye too. Water temp was 66 where i was. Trolled cranks in 15-22ft and stayed pretty busy! The bite is finally absolutely on! Goin back this weekend. Gud fishing 2 u all!!
  16. i caught mine on a steep bank
  17. My wife and i took our 2 kids fishing today and it was a lot windier and a little chillier than the weather man had predicted! Launched outta Hawker round 2pm and after fishing different places for awhile, we found our spot about 5. From 5-7:30 we caught 11 walleye(4 keepers), 2 crappie, and 6 small largemouth. 2 of the walleye were 18in and pretty thick. It was like a switch flipped on,the clouds broke,the sun came out, and the wind laid a little. All fish were caught trolling cranks in 14-21 fow. 2 trips in a row where the wind was very stout, but brought home 2 limits of walleye. Dunno what that means for sure. If interested,pic below. Good luck out there guys.
  18. Hit the water today about 10:30am and fought the wind til 3:00pm,man was it a beast! Everyone else on the lake had the same thoughts as me,try to get out of the wind and get lucky. Fished between Hawker and Mutton and had pretty good luck. Brought home 4 "eyes",1 crappie, and 1 bass, all keepers. Caught a few runt "eyes" and bass and lost something pretty big! Never saw it but i darn sure felt it!
  19. Taking my boy fishing hunting "eyes" tomorrow, any info on water conditions? Planning on fishing Hawker to Ruark. any info would be great.
  20. Hey guys,im new to the forum but am a very avid walleye fisherman and i have been fishing Stockton for several years now with one problem...No biggins! I usually have pretty good luck going home with a limit but the biggest eye ive taken home was 4lbs. I bottom bounce with crawlers,troll cranks,and even vertical jig with/without minnows. Are there any real hogs in the lake? Ive heard that Stockton has the numbers and Bull Shoals has the biggins,but have never fished the Bull. Granted id rather have a limit of keepers than 1 biggin,but a hog would make one of my trips REALLY worth it!!
  21. thats a nice eye bob...ive been fishing stockton for 8 years and go approx 25 times a year and i honestly usually do pretty good with limits of keepers but nothing really big. the biggest ive caught was 2 years ago,mid july, mid day round 100 degrees, no wind or clouds,fishing a main lake point in a lil over 20 ft of water with a crawler harness and she was 21 inches long and weighed round 3 lbs. any non secretive tricks i should know about or could use to find a hanger? thanks
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