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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I have two very nice Stearns flotation jackets for sale. They are camo and I have a Large and a medium. Asking $30 each. Excellent condition.
  2. dogman


    What size jigs are you using?
  3. Has anyone seen the white bass on Stockton chasing shad in the late afternoon and evening. Seems like anytime I go, nothing is happening.
  4. Has anyone tried the long pole drifting method on Stockton, like they do on lakes further south from here.
  5. Has anyone out there tried the long pole drifting method for crappie on Stockton? I see they use it quite a lot in lakes further south from here.
  6. Was out Monday and fished all the points from Googer to 6 and past. 3 Bluegill and one catfish. and drank a quart of water to keep from passing out. What walleye?
  7. Has any one been catching white bass on Stockton. Last two times out I stayed until dark only to get one or two fish. Anyone seen them surfacing and chasing shad.
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