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About hawgslayer

  • Birthday 07/07/1991

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  • Location
    Monett MO
  • Interests
    Huntin and Fishin mostly

hawgslayer's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. hawgslayer


    i know there are some creeks that dump into crane that have wild trout to. i was wondering if anybody knew where any of them are.
  2. where are the twim bridges at?
  3. hey fish bork. did you catch these fish by the corn maze? if you did then were you upstream or downstream stream of it. just wondering cause i have a few friends that own land on the river right by the maze
  4. i dont no the roads name. just stay on the road that passes the mill. both of the accesses right by a bridge.
  5. its the pond above the dam. i just call that the mill pond becuase of its location and there are some more ponds at capps
  6. fish right around where capps dumps into shoal. there should be some trout from that point on up the stream cuase the hill creek lodge trout also get washed into shoal.
  7. There used to be a trout hatchery where the Corn Maze in Verona is. Trout that escaped from there were washed into the Spring River. I think I read on the MDC website a while back that they did stock it with trout in the early 1900's and they were found successfully reproducing. So unless the river has changed alot since then the trout should still be able to reproduce. The trout in Shoal Creek probly came from Capps and a few other creeks that have trout that also dump into Shoal
  8. what ever you do dont get there at 1:30 in the morning. i did that last year with some friends. we were the first one there, but it seemed like forever waiting for the siren not that many people showed up till around 3:00
  9. its good to hear that the weeds are gone. they basicly destroy the mill pond in the summer. there are some good fish in the mill pond to.
  10. there are 2 places right on the creek that you can park. the first one is right next to the park and the second one is just down the road to the right. its easier to fish by the first access. the second access is a lot weedier. if you fish the first access walk down the creek a ways becuse the fish in the open water are really hard to catch. their not spooky at all they just wont bite a hook. so walk down to the woods that are right on the water and your chances of catching fish will approve alot
  11. been a few months since i been down there. the water above the dam looks a lot clearer to. was there a lot of weeds above the dam? ohh and thanks for the pics sounds like you had blast
  12. at last someone to back me up when i say that there are huge trout in capps. i wish i could of been down there fishing to. and i thought that that ice storm might of killed off all the armidillos
  13. shoal creek has trout everywhere in it thanks to a bunch of little creeks that hold trout dump into it. but you will have to do a lot of searching to find these creeks.
  14. i think i read about some crreks around branson that people stock with trout
  15. i fish capps a lot since i live right by. and ive seen one or 2 inch trout in there before
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