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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. Hey I'll be going out! I don't have my flyrod in Oklahoma yet (still in a box somewhere in West Virginia or on its way here), but I'll be going out this weekend too. Black Honda Ridgeline Truck. Hope to see ya.
  2. Hey everyone, I made my first trip to the lower Illinois last Sunday and had an absolute blast. I didn't fly fish because my fly pole is still in West Virginia, but I still had a blast. I didn't bring waders, but next time I definitely will. I just cooked up some of the fish I caught last night and boy were they tasty! A quick question, I saw a few large birds with white heads and white tails hanging around near the water... what are these? How do I get access to the artificial lure only part of the stream (WMU)? I saw a sign but no road.
  3. I live in OKC but I miss trout fishing so much I'm gonna drive out there. I wanted to go this weekend but I have to go to work tomorrow morning.
  4. Thanks! good to be here.
  5. Hey guys, I'm a avid outdoorsman. Born and raise in the West Virginia Appalachian's. I am a 100% trout fisherman. Normally I'm a non-fly fisherman but can do both. I've been wanting to fish the lower illinois with my spinning rod. Any advice from you guys who know the stream? I'd love to catch a brown trout. I've seen some of you guys talking about trying to catch a Striper.. would I need special gear to land one of these babies? I've never seen one before. I have a black truck with a large WV (West Virginia) sticker on the back window. If you see me out there stop by and hollar at me.
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