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Terry Beeson

Terry Beeson
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Everything posted by Terry Beeson

  1. From News-Leader website.... "One person has been confirmed dead in a plane crash near Shepherd of the Hills Farm west of Branson this morning. The pilot, who was believed to be the only person on board, is from Florida. His name and the city where he lived have not been released, officials said. No other information is yet available about where the flight originated or where it was heading, City of Branson spokesman Jerry Adams said in a press release. “(The plane is) completely demolished,” said Jason Preston, owner of Preston Aviation who flew over the location of the crash today. “Unless you were looking for something, you wouldn’t have known it was a plane.” Preston said the only part of the plane that was recognizable was the tail piece. Other parts of the plane, he said, were in pieces. Emergency responders from Taney and Stone Counties and Branson responded to the Henning Conservation Area at about 9 a.m. this morning after several reports of a twin-engine plane spiraling downward and crashing in the wooded area. The plane apparently crashed north of the scenic overlook, officials said. The plane was located after more than an hour in the conservation area, which is on the approach to the Taney County Airport — formerly the M. Graham Clark Airport — near College of the Ozarks. Elizabeth Isham Cory, a spokesperson with the Federal Aviation Administration in Chicago, said no flight plan had been filed with the FAA. “This (plane) may have been flying by visual flight rules, we’re still trying to determine that,” she said. The National Transportation Safety Board would be the agency in charge ofany investigation, she said. All College of the Ozarks students, instructors and planes are accounted for said, Elizabeth Andrews, the college’s spokeswoman."
  2. Welcome to the nut hous.... I mean the forum. Join right in and find out what your friends have been raving about...
  3. Well, I took the first step this morning. I am quitting the smokes. I quit for a long time and started back due to the stress of being off work and fear of the "unknown" that comes with it. Next step is to lose some weight that found its way to my mid section due to the same thing. I know those are only excuses... but that moment of weakness is all it takes. Still a lot of stress going on, but paying for a house and renting another, I can't AFFORD to smoke!.... Dano, my dad was a member of the zipper club... One piece of advice I can give you is just DON'T SIT DOWN and GIVE UP! Keep moving! He did well for a few years, then decided to "take it easy"... he didn't last long after that.
  4. Stress tests... Yeah... I know EVERYTHING there is to know about stress... I could pass that test easy.... Honestly... I'm pretty sure I'm due one myself... But I'm too stressed out with the move and all that goes with it to go to the Dr. Good thing my wife is a nurse... except for the fact she's starting to bug me about going to the Dr for a checkup.
  5. Yeah, I was hoping someone would tie a YS too... Glad you decided to get in, Dano. Don't worry about those tests... Just be sure you study real hard for them the night before...
  6. A furled tail... Good tip, JoRob......
  7. And there is the ever popular Wooly Bugger... Black, Olive, White.... Of course, you forgot to tell him about the PowerBait fly, Phil....
  8. I WANT to fish Friday night, but will be according to what the schedule is for my wife and kid...
  9. Dang it.... OK... I guess I'll keep with the theme and tie a midge... Probably something in a Disco Midge or similar....
  10. Is a "San Juan Worm" considered a midge?
  11. So... Dano... Where were your seats during this game?
  12. (That Irish thing again... bleessed... or cursed (depending on your point of view)... with red hair...) "We drink to your coffin. May it be built from the wood of a hundred year old oak tree that I shall plant tomorrow." Happy Birthday, Dano.....
  13. (OK... The Irish comes out of me now...) May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past. May you have food and raiment A soft pillow for your head. May you be forty years in heaven Before the devil knows you’re dead. Happy Birthday!
  14. That's what the Deli at Dillon's is for... Would like to make it, but can't take off work. If this was going to be on a weekend, I might be able to. Hope you guys have a blast and gonefishin catches enough trout for everyone to eat...
  15. Describe "different coloring..." Wood duck? Click here and try this website to identify ducks....
  16. You can also try Michaels or another craft store... Or... you can buy it online at this website....
  17. Smoking Salmon.... hmmmm.... How do you keep the end lit? Smoked salmon done right is soooooo good. Have you tried this recipe with trout?
  18. Hey all... I discovered this from another forum. Washington State University Public TV has a show about fly tying and they have many of the shows available to download and play on your computer! You have to download their software to download the videos, but the videos themselves are WMV type and can be played on Windows Movie Viewer, Real Player, or other software. [link=http://kwsu.org/Offers/OMNFlyTying.aspx]Fly Tying shows downloads[/link] They even have some with Dave Whitlock as a guest! I make no promises, but there doesn't seem to be any virus problems and you can download these and burn them to a CD to save drive space.
  19. OK... I'm in... I'll show you how NOT to tie a midge....
  20. I hope so, too... I'm not sure if I am "officially" the president of NEAFF now that I've moved, but I will certainly be there for the meeting if they want me to represent them.
  21. Michael, I don't disagree with you at all. "Where there's smoke, there's fire" could be applicable here. I do know that there were several projects that were funded last year by SOC and that money came from money generated from the Conclave. I also know that when I compare the cost of Conclave to a lot of other similar events, it is a bargain. As for the booth costs, I don't know what's up with that, but I don't know if I would have a booth myself if I was in business. Just don't know if it is worth the cost and effort... As for Pat's salary, I don't think there are many people that would do what she does for what she is paid. My opinion is that there is a lot of behind the scenes activity that Pat is a part of. From what I've seen and heard, without her, SOC would be a sinking ship. However, I would like to see a lot more members get involved with the meetings, voting, etc. Most of the people who want to complain never show up for any of the meetings. They want to leave it up to their club president. Yes, there was a petition signed and sent to the board, and not one signer showed up at the meeting to address the petition. Long story short, we all should do our best to attend the open meetings and find out what is going on. Maybe then things would change. Also, we need to be more involved in elections and voting. Vote because someone says the person is OK or because he is a friend... or vote because the person has campaigned and you agree with their platform... Just like any government election... we need to be more informed and vote for people who will run things the way the membership wants it run. And we need more people to step up to the plate and run for those offices.... OK... off my soapbox now...
  22. Yes there has been controversy over the money and where it goes. The Sunday morning meeting is not well attended by anyone but the individual club presidents and that is not 100%. Last year, I attended since the president of our club (NEAFF) thought he would not make it. He did, but I was glad as a member of FFF to find out a lot of information that is not that easy to obtain. However, if you get in touch with Roger Maler or Pat Smith, they will be glad to let you know where the money goes. And it goes to various conservation and worthwhile projects that help the streams in the SOC region. Is the Conclave worth it? Well, seeing all those tiers in one room, getting very inexpensive down to free seminar sessions, and the trade show... plus getting to visit and fish with LOTS of different people... yes... it has been worth it for me the last two years... If you get the chance, help Al Crise in the youth conclave on Saturday... WHAT A BLAST!!!
  23. There are some "fine line" and "gray areas" that should be addressed here, guys. First of all, I'm wondering just what the lawsuit that prompted this action was all about? This - yes, FEDERAL - judge didn't issue an edict or rulinig just for the heck of it. Someone had to have filed some sort of brief and someone had to appeal the lower court ruling to get it to this level. I'm on both sides of this issue. I love to fish, hunt, and boat. I want to be able to put my waders on or put my boat on water and fish, hunt, or just tool around without fear of being put in jail. On the other hand, I own property that belonged to my parents. This was pastureland/cattle farm that I was raised on. In the early 60s, the COE and USDA paired up and started building "flood control watershed" lakes in the area. They built one on my dad's farm and an adjoining landowner. It was soon stocked with bass, crappie, and catfish and was a pretty popular fishing spot for years. Some years it even held a good population of Mallards that drew duck hunters. Now it's mostly mud cat, sunfish, and Bald Eagles in the winter. BUT... My dad lived in "constant fear" that someone would drown or otherwise be injured and file a lawsuit against him since this was on "private property." I'm not sure how the law reads, but he was convinced that there was really nothing he could do to keep people from fishing on the lake, especially since it was located on two different landowners. It also produced a lot of pain and suffering for the "farmhand" (me) who had to clean up after the slobs who hunted and fished and left trash, open gates, and cut fences behind. There must be, and probably is, some sort of segregation of "public" vs. "private" waters. I have my opinions about it, but those are just mine. Again, I still want to fish the White River system and other (what I would term) public waters. But I have a hard time with my internal struggles when I'm invited to fish a warm water creek that runs through some guys farm - navigable or not. It's funny to hear stories of fishermen being yelled at by someone who bought an overpriced lot on a river or lake and think that entitles them to ownership of the entire body of water. I've even heard of rock throwing and an occasional gunfire (hey... us Arkies can be pretty serious at times, ya know...) But then I hear about someone who crossed three farms to get to a creek that runs through the pasture of a farmer who has busted his... chops... for years to eek out a living just so they could get to virgin smallmouth waters. Without the landowners' permission, I can't do it... OK... I'll shut up now... But I still want to know the story behind the lawsuit.
  24. Where is the outlet store?
  25. I don't like what happened one bit... I've witnessed double dipping and other illegal acts on the Spring and White... not yet on Taney, but I know it's coming.... HOWEVER.... did you see the guy cast that line from his coke can? I witnessed this same thing about 10 years ago fishing off a dock for Crappie... Three hispanics showed up with cheap Wally World line, hooks, worms, a few split shot, and each with a coke can... I swear, those guys could cast that line as far as I could with my rig... I bet that guy cast his line as far as you could cast a fly, huh?
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