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Terry Beeson

Terry Beeson
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Everything posted by Terry Beeson

  1. Why... NO Ron... whatever gave you THAT idea! It's a "legitimate" business opportunity.... By the way... Anyone want to buy some Amway? Simple plan, MTM... so probably won't work. We all set up websites with Google ads then all go online daily and click on each other's ad links.... In the immortal words of Mark Knopfler, "Get your money for nothin', get your chicks for free...."
  2. Hey Steve, Welcome aboard! (Just watch out for that Dano character... )
  3. Hmmmm.... 1,105 members... times $.50 per hit... at one hit per day... times 365 days a year... times 3 ads per page... naught times naught... carry the one.. 3 guzinda 12, 4 times..... for a grand total of.... HEY GUYS.... I've got a great idea how we can ALL make a lot of money!!!
  4. As most of you know, I'm moving my family to the Springfield area. Because of some financial and personal difficulties in the past few years, we are not able to buy a house right now - that and we have felt a bit "rushed" to find something quickly. We have decided to rent a house for at least a year to have time to find the house we really want and get our "house" in order. We found a house in Nixa that the whole family really liked, but the owners would not accept our application due to something on my credit report (something in the middle of my divorce - long story.) Now we are in a crunch... We need to get moved here before school starts, but time is running short to get the movers scheduled to be here by next Friday (11th) and school starts in Nixa on the 16th. I have my application in for another house in Nixa. We KNOW we can rent a townhouse, but that's going to be really cramped for us. Anyway... My prayer request is that God puts us in the place He wants us to be in. I'm hoping He's got the house in Nixa in mind, but I need your prayers that this would be the case, but more important, that His will is done in the matter. If it is the townhouse He wants us in, then so be it... I'm getting a little stressed out waiting on the approval for this second house. It took way too long on the first one. If I had known sooner, I could have done something different and wouldn't be so rushed. But... He has a plan and I know it is perfect... as is He... Thanks all...
  5. The Southern Council of Federation of Fly Fishers has several clubs in the area. Click here to find one near you...
  6. Think we should warn him about JW's netting abilities, Ken? Honestly, JW will put you on good big fish... As will Jimmy Trayler, John Berry, and several others mentioned. Anyone heard from Brian Wise and is he still guiding on the White/Norfork?
  7. Huge can help you there, too. He is a good guide for all species, but have heard he is really good on bass expeditions...
  8. C & R nets are most popular, but gaining on them is the "Ketchum Relase" tinker toy available at most fly shops. I use to use something similar years ago in my past life as a bait caster... and it really is the way to go unless you want a picture or the fish is really tired. I'm not sure about the breathables, but in the duck blind with neoprene waders, escaping gastrointestinal vapor usually results in what is termed "perma-fart" and is almost impossible to get out... By the way... PETA discourages the use of barbed hooks...
  9. Hey, John... My sentiments exactly on the Spring... I hate dealing with generation charts and that's not a concern with the Spring at all... I lived in Mammoth Spring a couple of years ago and fished the Spring almost daily for about 5 months. From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the best advice is to fish Bayou Access around to Riverbend early in the morning, then switch to Lassiter after the first signs of the canoe hatch. Later, Dam 3 is a great place to end the day. I've never fished the section that John Berry was talking about below Dam 3, but I can say that his secret is out because I've had a few other guys tell me the same thing. One day soon, I'm going to make that short trip down the BNSF track to that honey hole of yours.... LOL... By the way... My avatar is at Riverbend in July of '04. Notice the falls behind me... Just below there is a shelf on the south side of the river... much ignored spot for some very nice SR trout, if you're patient.
  10. Did my $5 worth today.... anyone else helping make Phil a rich man?
  11. In the immortal words of Rodney King - "(sniff) Why cccan't we all (sniff, sniff) just gggget (sniff) along!" The Arkie in me will chime in with the fact that Arkie-land has fought this same issue for years. There is no lottery in Arkansas. There are no casinos in Arkansas. There is no legal gambling in Arkansas other than para-mutual betting at Oaklawn Park (horse racing) and Southland Greyhoud Park (dogs..) At one time, Hot Springs rivaled Vegas as the gambling capital of the world. The issue of "economic boom" is always used to justify the need for casino gambling and the example of Tunica County Mississippi is always noted. And if you drive through that area, you'll see wonderful roads, shops, big hotels, and happy workers because of the casinos. But the real story is the only ones who have actually had any REAL economic GAIN from them are the cotton farmers who sold the land, the local "officials", and the casino companies. OH.... and Mississippi Power and Light, of course... As for the "undesireables" you refer to as being drawn to the casino... My bet is that the only ones drawn to Taney County casinos would be an influx of little "blue haired" ladies on busses trying to figure out how to get rid of all that life insurance money they got from their dear departed hubbies... Honestly, my opinion is that the dealers and pimps would be highly disappointed and move to more familiar waters.... pardon the pun... Am I "for" casinos on Taney? No... I'd rather not have one. Am I "against" it? Honestly, I would just hope it didn't interfere with my fishing. And I don't see that happening. Disclaimer - Just my opinion, ya'll..
  12. You guys have obviously not seen the "Girls Gone Grabbin'" DVD..... View a Girls Gone Grabbin' short at the bottom... I can tell you, grabbin' / noodlin' is not an easy task. And more fish are taken with trot lines and other gear than with hands. And let me tell you... every grab is a "fair fight"....
  13. PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals I happen to LOVE animals.... I love 'em fried, I love 'em boiled, I love 'em grilled, I love 'em baked.......
  14. It's according to what you're fishing for, but I have always heard good things about Hugh Albright for a good bass trip on the lakes... http://www.arkansas-adventures.com/albright/
  15. SSSSsssshhhhhhhh.... PLEASE don't mention the use of gloves....
  16. What's Jimmy's rate now, Dano... 4 Bits an hour?.... (and that ain't 50 cents)
  17. I don't agree that it is "entirely 100% safe" but the reason for the geletin capsule is to keep the oils from reaching the respiratory system and stay in the digestive system, which has coatings/linings that will protect you from the effects of the urushiol. While the doctor does have some very valid points in his recommendations, I would still rather just shy away from any of the urushiol containing plants. I've never had a bad rash, just minor ones, but then I don't go out and roll in the stuff either... LOL By the way, did you know all three - poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac - are related to cashews?
  18. I figured you were already here, Ken... Welcome...
  19. MORRILTON? That's MY old stompin' grounds! I was born and raised 10 miles north of Morrilton in a little town called Hattieville. Tell all my cousins "hey" for me... How did you wind up in Morrilton? Job? Where? Where in South Arkansas? I lived in Texarkana for a while and worked in Hope.. Yep, Dano, you're right... The closest trout waters are the Little Red. You think we should hook him up with Maddog Mike or should we save him the aggrevation?... You won't find many smallmouth waters close, but there are several streams close to you where you can pull some bluegill and largemouth from. LOTS of lakes close by... bass, bream, crappie, and the obligatory catfish. Just don't try wadin' the Arkansas River... Don't think your waders are that high.... Anyway... welcome to the forum.
  20. I'm in Jonesboro now, coming back up Wednesday. I will probably bring my tying stuff with me, so I might just bring it and show you how bad I really am at tying.... I, along with my cohorts at NEAFF, donated quite a few flies to the Arkansas CFR. We had "cheap" fly boxes printed with our logo in pink to put the flies in and the ladies LOVED it! (Don't tell any of the NEAFF guys I gave out our secret though...)
  21. I checked the website and noticed it was "fly tying night" on the 13th. I plan to make it to "introduce" myself. Won't embarrass myself by bringing any tying equipment or materials.
  22. Thanks guys... I started yesterday and things are going good so far. Maybe the week after the 4th (starting the 10th) I'll have some time to make a trip to Taney. My cousin took me around a bit last night and we wound up out around Willard. If they'd only put it closer to Taney it would be perfect... My cell is 870-931-2462 so give me a yell that week and maybe we can meet up on the river...
  23. 30th HS reunion, huh? Wow... you must be old Phil... mmmm.... Wait a minute... MY 30th was this year... HEY... I can't be that old!! Am I? uh... guess I am...
  24. Can you "Third" a motion?... Either BS state park or the park below Norfork dam... I'm assuming you are coming from MO...
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