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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. It's rained an awful lot. I wouldn't count on it being fishable (or any river) by this weekend. I would say it might be a good weekend for small lakes and farm ponds.
  2. I wouldn't put much stock in anything the MDC says when it comes to stream fishing for bass.
  3. MDC should restrict gigging to only big waters. Of course that would make sense, unlike re-introducing otters and opening bass season on memorial weekend. How many bass are killed on that weekend??
  4. In my opinion, the upper Bourbuese has gone down hill in the last couple of years as well. I think there has been some gigging going on there too. Also, I have been seeing more otters. That might have a lot to do with it. Very frustrating!
  5. You are right Al. Summer is the best time to fish that creek, but the problem is all the traffic.
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