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Everything posted by drew03cmc

  1. Sounds like you have a winner there! What reel did you pair it with?
  2. Taney is a holding tank. The trout dive over the dam into BS every winter when the whole lake is cool enough to support a lot of trout. Trav, you and I are really on the same page here, but thinking of a way to present the need for a true apex predator to Taney to MDC is where everything becomes wishy washy.
  3. The NNS is supposed to be a developmental series to prepare drivers for the Cup series, but it is really just an extension of Cup nowdays. it depresses me. I recall when NNS provided the best racing of all three series, and offered more action due to inexperienced drivers trying things that should not be tried. The NNS drivers are great drivers, albeit not in the best equipment. Stick a Mike Wallace in a Gibbs car, and see what happens. I am happy for Keselowski, and I hope he can pull out the championship, but I doubt it as the Cup teams like to run NNS just to run it. It infuriates me when the top 3 in a race are Hamlin, Busch, Reutimann. It should read, Logano, Keselowski, Stremme. Nascar should limit how many non Cup races the drivers can race each year. That includes Cup and Truck. I won't even discuss the trucks here as they are essentially the old timers game of racing. Those drivers, most have had success in the other two series, and are therefore VERY good drivers. Dale Jr. rode his daddy's coattails into Cup, and does not deserve to be put into the same breath with those truly great drivers there. Jr is a waste of space, and has won 18 races. He is not even comparable to his daddy. He left DEI for the almighty $$$. He wanted controlling stake of DEI ($$$), and when Teresa said no, he left. What a whiney baby. He had to win on FUEL MILEAGE at Michigan, come on. That is a joke. His car was not even a top 10 car on the speed chart all day. Gordon, as much as I despise the Rainbow Warrior, was an amazing driver. I do not count Jimmie Johnson, I think he is an egotistic jack@$$, along with JR, who loves to mope after a race when luck threw him a bad hand. Personally, I think the three best, most talented, drivers in the Cup series are Robby Gordon, Kyle Busch, and Greg Biffle. All three have had success in other series, other sanctioning bodies, etc. My favorite is the king of bad luck, Greg Biffle. He does things in a car that is ill handling or broken that can't be done. He does not whine, or bitch. He will wreck someone for the win, which all of the cry babies in the garage forgot, is part of RACING, not points racing. Nascar needs to stop that crap (points racing) too! When is a true race car driver happy with third? THE POINT OF RACING IS TO WIN! Nothing else matters. Kyle Busch is amazing, hands down.
  4. I am selling off my heavier tackle I have here at home to make room for an Orvis Superfine 1wt. Here it is, with pictures on a few things, and prices. Everything is $$obo. I accept paypal preferred, but will take a check or MO. If other items are not gone tonight, I will post some pictures of them tomorrow. Thanks! I have not gotten pictures taken yet, coming soon! $52 shipped for everything. NEEDS TO GO ASAP! Bristol 66. Needs to be fished. $10 shipped. Pflueger Sal-Trout 1554 $15 shipped to lower 48. Reel is in pretty good condition. No spool wobble. no wear other than some chipped paint. Works like a champ! South Bend Classic IV 7' 6wt. This is a fishable rod, not a beauty queen. $32 shipped. SA Ultra4 WF7F. Fishable line, looks relatively new. $15 shipped SOLD (pending funds) Unknown WF6F line, bright yellow in color. Looks relatively new. $10 shipped. I am open to offers on anything here. Let me know via PM. Thank you guys!
  5. Do you fly fish? If so, I have a few flies you might LOVE to throw on some 5x tippet
  6. drew03cmc


    The Chiefs have been rebuilding since 1993. When does it end? You do not hope to win with a name like Montana (end of career), Bono (end of career), Grbac (end of career), Allen (end of career), Andre Rison (sup felon!), Tamarick Vanover (hey crackhead). Honestly? How many years did they squeak into the playoffs with 10+ wins, when 3 of the wins each year were OT kickoff returns for touchdowns? Come on, be realistic. What talent was Marty given? Joe Montana (a 40 year old arm, running a 50 year old team), Marcus Allen (you know you suck when your best offensive weapon is a 40 year old running back), Steve Bono (don't get me started), Elvis Grbac (Oh Christ), Christian Okoye (Ok, he was good, but short lived), Barry Word, or whoever else they thought could play Band-Aid for a game or two. Honestly, Marty, has NEVER been a championship coach, but is a great playoff coach. That is all he would get anyone, why do you think they threw him out of Cleveland? Your comments about Bowe make me laugh, he held out to get more money, joining LJ as one of the greedy punks on the team not worth what they are getting paid. I was patient with Croyle for two games until I watched him force EVERY pass he tried to make rather than being patient. Now, if you can help me out here with the "talent" that Marty was given, or how this "rebuilding" year is different than the last 15, I might agree...but until then, my thoughts are in black and white.
  7. Hence the need for an apex predator to thin out the smaller fish. I rest my case!
  8. I completely agree there are record class fish in Taney, but it is not the only water in the state of MO, or definitely the Ozarks with that potential as has been evidenced before. I support those that can fish there regularly and have a chance at that once in a lifetime 10# trout, but for my gas money these days, I will chase 20# carp that are no more native than a brown trout, but fight like a tractor!
  9. Well, if it was you Chief, would you have put a species in a stream that contains your "cash cow" trout? If you say no, you sir, are not a moron...Well, are they bright or not?
  10. I live over an hour away from that BPS, and have one between me and that one. I will go to that one if time permits, just to see her.
  11. If I am not mistaken, the black bears and river otters are both historically native to the state of Missouri, so barter for them or not, they have been there, just not in the numbers they are now. The otters are hellions that MDC is now trying to eradicate from the Ozark streams that they like morons put them in. Black bears, are native to the Ozark plateau, IIRC.
  12. This is why I like this forum, you get to debate with people who KNOW what they hell they are talking about. Where can I find the latest population survey to see that they "Put and Grow" terminology is accurate. Not doubting you, I just want to see it. I am talking about 15 pound rainbows, the kind that made the lake famous, before they stocked browns in the lake. Obviously we have differing opinions on what makes a water world class, but to me, it is naturally reproducing trout, that do not have to parented (read: stocked) by some government agency. Trav, everybody on here judges, just not you or I I saw the population survey on the 11 Point last year sometime, and was wondering if there is one for Upper Taney.
  13. Trav, by alien, I mean nonnative. They are not native to this continent at all. Stocker rainbows are not healthy, and thus I said anemic, meaning, lacking color, fight, etc. Twosets said: "Some critical materal about the lake is fine, but since you have never been here and never seen Tany and never intend to, I do not understand your extreme negative attitude." I say, why would I drive 5 hours to catch a 10" stocker trout when I have lakes not 30 minutes from home where I can catch 15" trout all winter long? Big browns eat plenty of small rainbow trout, but think of how many a 30# pike could eat. I get goosebumps thinking about it! Why drive that far to catch 10" trout with a shot at a 20", when I can catch 20" catfish, or 16" bass all day long here that will outfight a 25" rainbow or brown? I fail to see the value of that wasted trip. I have been there, and seen Taney, just never fished it. My posts are about the lake, not those who make their living off the lake. Those who do so have my blessing for that is a dream job. You can judge me, judge my opinions, judge my values, but do not judge my conservation-mindedness in regards to supporting native species to the ends of the earth. However, do not attack me without being able to justify yourself and your means. Greg said: "Unfortunately there are a few people on this forum that have a very negative opinion about Taney's put and grow rainbow fishery" Put and grow? I believe it is a put and take rainbow fishery. How many 15# rainbows swim in the lake? What first made Taney famous? Browns? Rainbows? The answer is Rainbows, big ones. I firmly believe that Taney should stop being managed like a trout park and begin being managed like a WORLD CLASS stream, if that is what MDC perceives it as. Catch and Release all trout below the dam, to 12 miles downstream. C&R ALL Browns, lakewide. This will promote larger, smarter browns while also enhancing the rainbow fishery. If the goal is to make this a WORLD CLASS stream, they need to take measures to do so.
  14. Did any of you watch NASCAR 15years ago when things like that were accepted as RACING incidents. Dale Sr wrecked more cars than anyone I ever saw, and yet he was loved and adored. I love double standards as they apply to favorite drivers, as opposed to someone who gets loose and wrecks a "favorite". Gotta love this world.
  15. ???? He drives a Toyota. Next, Hendrick rules? You mean the yankees of NASCAR? Trying to buy wins, well, guess what....1 win in how many races this year? HAHAHAHA! It makes me laugh to hear Jr Nation crying after Kyle wrecked Dale Jr in a RACING INCIDENT (no malicious intent). I am happy for Kyle Busch, essentially telling Hendrick to shove it for letting him go. He is THE BEST driver in NASCAR right now. I love his attitude, as well as his uncanny knack for pissing people off. (steps down from soapbox)
  16. Glass is the most forgiving material to fish with, as well as the most comfortable IMO. I had a rod built for me on a Batson SPG780 UL spinning blank, and it loves a WF4F GPX line. I had one of the OLDER Featherlights and it liked a WF5F SA Trout line, but would LOVE a DT5F STII. You will find that newer Featherlight is built on a spinning blank, and therefore, you have to slow WAY down to get the flex of the rod to do the casting for you. Keep it and fish it a lot, you will love it.
  17. Vintage fiberglass! You can get a hell of a nice casting and fishing outfit for less than $200. I would recommend an 8' 6wt Browning Silaflex rod with a Pflueger Medalist 1494DA reel and for line, why not go with a DT6F 444 Peach. Check us out on www.fiberglassflyrodders.yuku.com for any more advice.
  18. Well, for the fishing, I would imagine this would help a little for runs of fish further up the Niangua, but for those who like Lake niangua, bummer...
  19. I am anxious for the waters to clear up here just a bit. You had fun, and I hope to here shortly!
  20. ok, first, why did you mention native trout? the nearest natives are the greenback cutts in colorado. no trout here is native so why care about hybridization (except crane mccloud redbands). I for one would love to have a stream full of cuttbows in my backyard. also, is any of this being published for personal gain? lay off with the plagiarism. he posted something informative that added to the conversation. thanks for the info on cutts!
  21. I have never claimed to be a JR fan, but I do follow NASCAR very closely, and I know his stepmother is a selfrighteous hag. I just feel that he should have stayed at DEI and continued to fight for majority ownership of his dad's company...but hey...not my life. I am however THRILLED to see Jeff and Jimmie having a crappy year (for them) and seeing Jr running well at Hendrick, but the thing I am the most happy with are Greg Biffle and Kyle Busch...I have followed Biff since he was the Busch champ, sorry the Nationwide champ...haha. The thing that first endeared me to Biff was a race in 2002? I think it was he lost his clutch and still ran top 15 at a track where you have to shift...it was amazing. Kyle, I love his attitude...the sport needs something like this who is YOUNG and outspoken, rather than a multitime champ and outspoken, then gets mad when he gets berated by the media (Tony). Well, whatever...I am glad we are racing again, and am excited for the upcoming merger of ChampCar (without their feature driver) and IRL (No Danica you should not be in the IRL, outside of qualifying, you cannot take the heat of running top 10). I cannot wait for the first Indy 500 with 30+ cars in years!
  22. I will venture out onto the limb here and say what nobody else has...for trout and bluegill, why do you need a 5wt? Get yourself a 3wt with a GPX line and have fun. The GPX line is actually roughly a 3.5wt line, meaning it weighs IIRC about 110 grains in the first 30' of line. That would help in windy conditions with the 3wt line, but a 3wt, if worked right, can be used for 10+# bass, catfish, etc...if you let your reel drag work like it is supposed to and fish a balanced leader/tippet setup. For more information on this check out www.byrdultrafly.com . I love this guy's website and reference it all the time. I know that TFO offers a nice 3wt 7'6 for $99, as does Cabela's in the Three Forks rods. I have had one of these rods, Dano has one, and they are magical rods for fishing. You will not cast all the way across the lake, but you will hit what you want to hit with your line. I recommend them big time. In fact, I might be getting another one, and for the price, hell, you cannot beat it. $49.99. If you break it, they work with you to get it replaced. I fished mine HARD everyday for a summer for bluegill and NEVER had a problem. Then I sold it and some flies for $200, so I was pleased...but hey...you know how that goes. Do not buy a rod just because someone on here says you will like it. Take the time to go cast each one and see if YOU like it. That is the true test of how a rod will fit you.
  23. The LN is a great little stream. I caught my first smallie there a few years ago and have been itching to get back, but time and funds for $3.30/gal gas have not been there...I plan to fish it this year sometime...I will let everyone know!
  24. All is gone, thanks for looking!
  25. You know, I recall a few years back now, probably 6 or so years ago, I saw a guy fishing zone 3 with a long rod climbing around in the trees on the other side of the stream. It made me giggle. But about the best fast water to be fished being in zone 3...I love the stretch just below the whistle bridge. It would be magical to swing a softie through there, or fish a Wulff on top. I used to use Rooster Tails there when I fished spinners a lot and tore them up. Another section of good riffles is by the hatchery outlets in zone 2. This is the location I caught a 4" rainbow with parr marks and white tipped fins...kind of made me wonder about successful spawning.
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