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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by TSmith

  1. Ok so I went fishing after school today at the Pomme River and it is FULL of gar. I saw at least 25 gar come out of the water in 15 min. And thats about all I know about gar. I need advice on gear, lures, bait, snagging hooks and how to snag gar. Really any advice would be helpful. Thanks
  2. Anyone have a Harris Bipod for sale? I doubt it but hey its worth a shot.
  3. Im new to the area of Bolivar and would like some advice on where and when to fish at Pomme Lake(link to google maps please). I like to fish for crappie and bass. Any advice on lures would be great also.
  4. Woodturning is one of my favorite hobbies other than fishing of course, but I also sell a lot of my products online. These wooden bowls make great center pieces and are all one of a kind. They are all made out of various woods such as walnut, maple, cherry, white oak, and even some exotic woods like zebrawood and bubinga. They are all carved out on a wood lathe and have very beautiful grain patterns and shapes. If you have any questions or special orders. I would be glad to do my best in answering them for you. The link below will take you to a site where I sell them. Enjoy! Woodturning Art
  5. Yup that Finley water ha ha ha. Just try to fish in that sucker. Iv caught a few but they ran out of the water and up a tree and i haven't found them yet.
  6. Been here for 3 or 4 days and... yeah Ill stay... lol Great Forum
  7. For me I use one made by Grizzly. Its not huge but its not small either heres a link. I also hooked up a dust collector hood next to the the motor where all of the chips of wood fly off. Grizzly Lathe Grizzly Dust Collector
  8. These are just a few examples of the stuff I can make. If you have any questions about purchase just let me know. Enjoy! http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/3812/p3070181.jpg http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/5459/p8180062.jpg http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/8875/p3070177.jpg http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1245/p1070094x.jpg http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/4644/p8180059.jpg http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/8695/pa150105.jpg
  9. Awesome. Thank you. Any tips on lures?
  10. Thank You
  11. I attend college at SBU in Bolivar and Im looking for some good fishing spots. And directions would be VERY helpful. Bass Croppy preferably and if you really wana go the extra mile lures would be great to know since Im new to the area.
  12. I saw at least three massive carp (or at least thats what they looked like) but these fish looked brown and were jumping out of the water when they were striking). but anyways this was at Springfield lake and they wouldnt hit anything i threw at them. I guess cause they wont hit bass stuff. So if anyone has any pointers on technique line size or lures it would be great. Thanks
  13. This is one of my other hobbies that I very much so enjoy. Woodturning is the art of taking a block of wood and spinning it on a wood lathe and producing any cylindrical object. I mainly make one of a kind bowls and vases and platters. But I could tell you about this all day just have a look for yourself Try this link: Travis Smith Woodturnings
  14. well I my girlfriends dad owns a lot of land in the KC area close to a small town called Odessa. But actually in a smaller town of Wellington. And they have a 4 or 5 good sized ponds up there and we went out around 4pm till about 6pm and I was using a spinner-bait and man let me tell ya they were slamming into that sucker. I was casting off the bank into some reeds and all of a sudden I saw that bass bite into the lure and I made sure and hooked him real good and well thats that story. And let me tell you what though my buddy broke his 10 pound test twice on something in that pond and all they got in there is bass croppy brim and perch so there has to still be another monster out there. So o well even though he was a homegrown fish it was still fin to catch
  15. Hey everyone. I guess this makes me the new kid on the block. Im a big fan of large mouth bass and well just cant get enough of it. Im very new to the sport and need all the help I can get. However, I have to brag on my beginners luck cause Iv only been fishing steadily now for a year and a few days ago i caught a 7 pounder and needless to say Im hooked.
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