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Everything posted by flip4bass

  1. Alright heres my little secret. I have actually had trips to taney where I have caught 30-40 fish and browns were 90% of my catch for the day. Most are small around 12" or so but they still make for fun catchin. Best when the water is up this method works best but you will still have a good day when its low. Use the most flashy wide wobble stick bait you can find. If I just want to catch fish I use smaller 3" lures. But when I want some size 6" plugs are on my line. Most people look at me like I am stupid when they see what I am using but when I am catching fish right in front of them, they change their mind and wish they would have also brought some with them. The largest I've caught with a stick bait is supprisingly was a 27" rainbow, not a brown. Just get you some polorized sungalsses and a stick bait and watch the action under the water. Its pretty fun just to watch them strike at the lure over and over again until they finally connect. For those of you who have done this you know what I mean.
  2. I actually bet they do have a job. What are the thought about how they were stollen? I'm guessing they just pulled up in a boat. You know a cheap solution that could help would be to put up motion lights around the dock. They couldn't be too hard to install. Just turn them on when no one is on the docks so they don't keep going off during normal fishing hours at night. I'm sure that night fisherman going by in boats wouldn't like that but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. It may make theives think twice about their potential prize when a light comes on and exposes them to the world.
  3. This is a very good point. If shuffling is banned then would it also ban boats from the dam area. Trolling motors would easily be able to shuffle the bottom just as well. Put it into the water next to the bottom and turn it on high. That would cause the same problem. I am sure that boats would cause much more of a problem to the bottom of the river, expecially outboards. So if you say that shuffling is going to be illegal due to it tearing up the bottom wouldn't boats be next. I am sure fly fisherman would love not having to deal with boats, unless secretly they have already figured out that boats shuffle and didn't want to tell anyone. Uh-oh.
  4. To me it would seem that shuffling would be most effective in places that experience frequent natural shuffling (like when the dam releases) and where the fish are used to fisherman. In most places if a fish saw you they would leave or have tight mouth, unless it is something that they are used to dealing with, like the loads of fisherman at Taney or Bennett. Of course I have never done this or seen people doing this so I am not really familiar with the technique. Do you really think shuffling will work at other locations like Crane Creek? If it does then it could become a problem, if it doesn't then I see nothing to worry about at those locations.
  5. Now thats funny!!!
  6. This type of stuff is happening everywhere. There have been some residents in my neighborhood that have had diesel siphoned out of their tanks within the last couple weeks. I am sure that it has just found its way down to the lake, and it will find its way everywhere in time. I was thinkin the same thing as you rainbow that I hoped they didn't realize it was a diesel truck and put it into their unleaded vehicle. That would be fun to watch!
  7. Alright, now I am curious. I am not saying that I don't think that shuffling is unethical because I do. Mainly because it effects other fisherman around you. If its doesn't bother other fishernan (there is no one esle anywhere near you), I'm not as worried about people shuffling. I have never done this and I had actually never heard of this until this topic was brought up. Just wondered if people would feel the same if it didn't actually happen to mess up there fishing. But now for those that think going through a school of shad in a boat causing them to scramble and setting off the feeding reflex in the fish, do you really think that is the same thing. I noticed some saying that it is also wrong. If that is the case then what do you think about things that the pros do on the tours (Kevin VanDam among others) by placing mechanisms that release sounds into the water that sound like shad feeding. I am by no means saying that the pros are moral but just trying to see what everyone else thinks about that as well. I am trying to see what most people perceve as being moral in fishing. I mean you could go as far as saying that the fly or lure you put into the water in not natural and is actually causing the fish to feed. How far does this thing go? Again I am just trying to get some perspective on what other anglers think.
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