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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. If you go to Van Hooks bait shop there is a photo of a guy with a walleye that weighs, Im assuming, heavier the 15 lbs.. thing had a huge fat gut on it that the angler supposedly caught at suzy hole..
  2. yeah it's more towards the spillway at tunnel dam
  3. A buddy and I went to Larry R. Gale last weekend and the darned lake was froze over.. we broke the ice with some rocks and casted in the holes with no luck.. haha.. eventually we just tried to see how far we could throw rocks across the frozen lake... now Im pretty sure this isnt the kind of crappie report you were looking for.. but hey.. it's all i have to report hahah.... oh man i cant wait for spring!
  4. Hey everybody... This last summer I caught multiple walleye weighing from the 2-10 lb. range and I have heard that there is a spot called either Suzy hole or Suzy rock that is a really good place for them in mid to late February to mid March and was wondering if anyone could give me some general directions... thanks! Brandon
  5. Is bass fishing the only fishing you plan to do?
  6. A buddy and I went to Public Beach 1 for a couple hours of bank fishing... I was catching them in around 4 foot of water.. not alot of size to them but they were legal and aggresive.. My buddy fished for catfish and caught four in about 2 hours around 2-4 lbs. a peice. Hope this helps
  7. All i can do is hope. And by the way.. was I the only one catching hundreds of small crappie at bagnell dam last year? Anybody have any idea why there were so many small ones?
  8. G3 boats are a pretty good quality. I spend 40 hours a week building them in fact. There are alot of things that I've personally seen on tracker and lowe boats that I know for a fact wouldnt pass inspection at G3. But if it was me I would go with the Eagle 176 for the simple fact that it has three pedestal holes on the front deck. I really want to try spider rigging with a partner. But good luck!
  9. that's super creepy.
  10. that sounds like alot of fun! I think i may have found yet another thing to check of my fishing to do list. haha
  11. nice fish buddy!
  12. Is the land below normal pool level legal to "trespass" on then?
  13. is wishin he was fishing

  14. Hey, My name is Brandon and I do not currently have a boat or even access to a boat. I usually fish at Windermere or Lincreek Campground or when the water is running at Bagnell. I was wondering if there were any other good spots on the lake that would allow a person to fish whether it be public or just a generous dock owner.. Thanks in advance!
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