I've got to tell you Ness, some of your statements I agree with and some I don't. But....... What if you had a child killed in the theatre?
The guy was 25 years old, old enough to drink, old enough to drive, old enough to defend our country. I think in this case the death penalty is just.
We've raised a bunch of little pussies in this country in the last 20 years or so. No losers....you're not a loser son, you're the eighteenth winner! No child left behind! We've dumbed our society down to the point where every kind of behavior is acceptable. Absolutely no personal responsibilty anymore. Studying them for twenty years to determine that his daddy didn't give him enough hugs is not the answer.
You say the death penalty won't fix anything, the Only thing I can say that it could have a positive effect on the families of the victims.
Honestly though Ness, I don't know what the right answer is in every situation. But I do feel the death penalty is justified here.