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Mitch f

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Everything posted by Mitch f

  1. Thanks, I just bought one, here's a pic of the rod. I've also added a pic of a young Pamela Anderson
  2. They have them on sale at Denny Dennis for $69, seems like an very good rod for the price, the feel is very impressive. Anyone have experience with these? If I purchase one today it will be my first ever white rod!
  3. Too bad he wasn't shot at the scene, would have saved us all from this conversation.
  4. You got me there
  5. I've got to tell you Ness, some of your statements I agree with and some I don't. But....... What if you had a child killed in the theatre? The guy was 25 years old, old enough to drink, old enough to drive, old enough to defend our country. I think in this case the death penalty is just. We've raised a bunch of little pussies in this country in the last 20 years or so. No losers....you're not a loser son, you're the eighteenth winner! No child left behind! We've dumbed our society down to the point where every kind of behavior is acceptable. Absolutely no personal responsibilty anymore. Studying them for twenty years to determine that his daddy didn't give him enough hugs is not the answer. You say the death penalty won't fix anything, the Only thing I can say that it could have a positive effect on the families of the victims. Honestly though Ness, I don't know what the right answer is in every situation. But I do feel the death penalty is justified here.
  6. Mitch f


    Thank you Phil
  7. Seems like a guy who didn't pass his entrance exams would be distraught for a few days then learn how to deal with it. Tim, you're right he's got deep issues. We hear from his mother...wheres the father?
  8. Isn't that what I said? I thought the electro fishing didn't do permanent damage to fish!?
  9. Seems like they could perform a mass electrocution of the river and only leave the non invasive species.
  10. I've got access to Live Target copies for $6 if you need some. I've got some myself and they are very nice.
  11. Are you sure about that? Last time I tried to turn a St Croix back to Cabelas they said I had to send it back to St Croix And pay $45
  12. Had the same thing going on the other day with the topwater.
  13. Just found out my dad has liver cancer, he is 90 years old and has lived long enough to see 3 sets of grandchildren. He taught me many, many things, like how to fish and for that I am very grateful. A good mild mannered christian man. Please pray for us..Thanks
  14. Was that old man using a pea shooter or what????? they wouldnt be getting up from wut I'm packin ! do I carry or don't ????? no one really knows fer sher
  15. Mitch f


    This might have been a better response
  16. Understand where your coming from, 20 years ago I might have said the same thing. The parents have to live with the fact that they killed their own child. The baby died in his fathers arms. Quite honestly I'm not sure I could deal with the memory myself. Whether they should go to jail...I just don't know that answer.
  17. Thought you were going to the GNade? How'd ya do on the BP?
  18. You can fiddle with the $6-7 lures with a little sweat equity and get them to act like the expensive ones anyway. Anymore I fiddle and find what catches fish and develop my one little secret pattern that works. To me, that is the fun part of fishing. You get 2 or 3 little secret patterns that work for every season and before you know it you can catch fish all year long and dont spend tons of money. I will still spend 20% of my fishing budget on new lures but 80% is just replacing the "tried and true" lures.
  19. Thought I recognized your 21" fish area
  20. Couldn't have said it any better....I'll never buy a expensive deep diver again. Got burned too many times.
  21. I learned my lesson the hard way too, My personal best smallmouth was 21" with Zipstick and neither of us had a camera either. Great fish regardless!!!!!!
  22. Understand your pain but it's not a bunch of 60 year olds stirring up the crap
  23. Such a tragedy, on every level.
  24. Yep, people now don't even need a good reason to riot and act like idiots
  25. I go to those 2 places probably twice a year to get jig tying materials. Certainly not enough where they know me. I walked in on Friday and at both places they yelled hello as soon as I walked in and were very helpful.
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