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Everything posted by Yellowfin

  1. It's not about being pissed and yes, AiA was contacted. I don't know who is trying to kid who here. They had a chance to make it right and flatly refused. None of these postings would exist had they fixed the problem. You can post all of the "new" rules you want, but the attachment that has been posted states the truth. Believe me, it is not a personal beef with AiA. There are plenty of others I have spoken with that are unhappy with the payout situation. They may not want to go public or maybe just want to sit back and not ruffle any feathers. But I can assure you, they won't be fishing the AiA circuit next year unless AiA corrects the problem.
  2. The place that we finished does not matter as the money is not the issue here. The issue is the honesty and integrity in how they operate their tournaments. If they were only going to pay 25 places then that is what the letter and the (now deleted) internet flyer from their website should have stated. Yes, they have been contacted both in person and via email and they refuse to admit they are in the wrong, much less make it right with the 12-13 boats that this has affected.
  3. The rules you are reading are for the upcoming 2011 season. If you will notice the rules for the 2010 season have been conviently removed from AIA's website. Below is the invitation letter that was sent out for the tournament, detailing 1 place for 5 entries. No where does it say "with a maximum of 25 places" nor did the 2010 rules that were removed from the AIA weebsite. AIALetter.pdf
  4. The 2010 yearly championship for Anglers In Action members was held at LOZ 10-16,17. One hundred and eighty eight boats fished and the flyers they mailed out stated that they would pay places for every one in five teams. They (AiA) paid out only twenty five places. Do the math. They should have paid out several more places. If you fished this tourney you may have money coming to you. Call them. Even if you don't have anything coming, support your fellow anglers that do. It could be you the next tournament. The cutoff for a paycheck was 25 places. It should have been at least 35 places. Call them and let them know how you feel. They make the rules, they should follow them!!!
  5. Anglers in Action championship team members at LOZ on Oct. 16 - 17 need to read. The payout listed on the mailings sent to each qualifying team stated that AiA would payout 1 for every 5 boats entered. Guess what? They only paid out 25 places. Should have paid out 36 or 37 places. Whether this affected you or not, it might the next tourney. It did affect a dozen or so of your fellow anglers. THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THEIR PRIZE MONEY! Get on the phone or e-mail AiA and let them know------right is right. They expect us to follow the rules, shouldn't they adhere to the same standard of integrity? CONTACT THEM.
  6. If there are any AiA guys that fished the championship at LOZ Oct. 16 and 17, you need to read this. The flyers that were mailed out for the tourney list the payouts to be one for every five boats entered. There were at least 184 boats in the tourney, but yet they paid out only 25 places. What gives????? Contact them and let them know what you think. This cost another 12 to 13 teams their winnings. READ YOUR FLYERS!!!!!
  7. Thanks, he is coming down for a redfish trip in September so I think he is going to hand deliver
  8. IM Sent
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