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Gonefishin', I think you're right to an extent. Note that I don't consider it a "good for me, not good for you" attitude. If jetboats were outlawed from certain stream segments or on every river in the Ozarks, I wouldn't argue at all and I wouldn't try to insist I had the right to use one when others can't. If I was still convinced that the wakes were seriously affecting spawning of gamefish, I either wouldn't get one or wouldn't use one during spawning season...in fact, I DON'T intend to use one during spawning season. I also don't intend to use one on streams that are very narrow and shallow. For instance, I don't ever expect to use one on the Meramec above Onondaga, and probably not anywhere on the Meramec above Meramec State Park. And if I get one, I'm going to do my research first to determine which size and model will throw the least wake at planing speeds...I ain't interested in speed and I ain't interested in running extremely shallow water. I'm considering getting one for two reasons. One, it's pretty difficult to find somebody to shuttle me for float trips in the winter. And two, my dad is too old and has too many health problems to stand to ride in a canoe, but loves to fish the rivers. I'd like to be able to take him on the lower Meramec and Gasconade. And I ain't gettin' any younger myself...it gets a little harder all the time to paddle a canoe 3 or 4 miles upstream in order to fish in the winter!

And yes, I'm still wrestling with the ethics of this. It's tempting to just say, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." It's also easy to rationalize that I'm going to be as careful as possible to minimize my effects.

It takes many years for a SMB to mature in a stream to spawning size, it then takes a certain weather pattern for them to be successful in the spawn, and then a few might make it to spawning size and repeat the process, but they will be susceptible to extermination for several years before that occurs.

Given the fact that any recovery will take years, it can't be put aside while lesser problems are addressed.

I am sorry. I guess I wasnt clear. I meant we should focus on the major items first. Not the lesser ones. I dont believe the giggers are a major problem. I am not sure Jet Boats are a huge issue. I do think pollution, habitat damage, predators and the introduction of exotic fish are all serious issues that need to be dealt with before we go pointing fingers and blaming each other.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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