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A bit more advice... If you get a chance to get a lesson from Ol Al.... TAKE IT!!!!! You'll learn more in 30 minutes with Al than a lifetime on your own.

Are you Sowbug bound, Al?



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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Howdy Terry,

Thank you for the Flowers.

Yes I will be at Sow Bug Round up Wed thru Sunday. Of course I will have a couple of classes and I am also testing on Saturday. If at all nice I might even get to try a brown at night

Doctor Ray Emerson and I are at he Ramada Inn. YOU know what happens at night behind the Ramada Inn When Chuck and I are there.

Drew I happen to love Bamboo rods. I learn on one that was slow. The fiberglass was faster.

Then came Graphite. then came 5th 6th 7th generation of graphite. I enjoy the ease of casting the slower rods but I do not feel that the Graphite hurt me.

I have no idea why you feel that the graphite is hard on your body. I teach Women from CFR to fish and use 5 & 6 wt graphite rods. I do teach what I call the "softcast".

Catch up with me at Sow Bug and I will show you. Offer open to anyone.

ol Al

  • 2 weeks later...

I know this ones kinda dead but...

I personally would recomend the video by S.A. I cant remember the couple who does the video but they teach you alot including planes and show you what the big no no's are. He is an excellent caster and she is as well. He writes for a magazine and is also a photographer. Its Brian something.... Any help? I self taught how to fly cast with this video and then had some people (Bill Butts, Kelly Gattenby, and various others) refine it.

I fish heavy rods because I cant afford the expensive lightweight ones. I do have a Scott 4wt that weighs somewhere around 2.5 oz. I love the thing... I got it as a gift from the guys at Backcountry Outfitters (some really good guys) so that I can take it to Tryouts for Team USA. The rod cast wonderfull, I also have and Echo Distance Comp. Rod. I do get cramps in my arms when I go between the two... Not too sure what happens there.

"Its clearly Bree time baby!"

Member: 2009 U.S. Youth Fly-Fishing Team. Competed Czech Republic. 7th Place Team

Member: 2010 U.S. Youth Fly-Fishing Team. Competed Slovakia. 4th Place Team

Member: 2010 U.S. Youth Fly-Fishing Team. Competed The America Cup. 4th Place Team

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Howdy Gang

I will be at the Smallmouth Rendezvous may 2,3, If you are still hurting yourself See me. I will get the pain out. Ask Lori Sloan. She was doing the samethings. It hurt. Now it does not.

ol Al


This sounds strange, but sounds like you have "tennis elbow" from the casting! If the pain continues might try the remedy they recommend, it is some type of strap you wrap around your forearm just below the elbow. I'm sure some drug store could help find the product.

And the above might not work at all...................... :mellow:

"God gave fishermen expectancy, so they would never tire of throwing out a line"

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I've been trying to teach some of my friends who were visiting to fly fish and the thing I kept telling them was to slow down. You have to wait for the back cast to straiten out before you start the forward.

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