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Omaha? That is way to far north and full of people wearing those stupid red shirts with the big N on them. :P



I always thought Elly Mae was cute. Never did get to meet her though.

I can completely understand anyone moving to Mountain Home. While I was qualifying to teach, I spent several weeks plus 10 to 12 weekends there over a two year period. I was impressed.


I am a Southerner (anyone north of I10 is a Northerner) and moved to Mountain Home 5 years ago. Having said that they are not over loaded with southern hospitality locally so don't expect that. One reason and one reason only is why I moved here: trout fishing. Taxes are not to bad if you do not live in Mountain Home. Lakeview, Bull Shoals, Cotter, Flippin, and Baxter county are all good places to live. Excellent hospital and reasonable housing if you do not want on the water at Bull Shoals, Norfork, or the White. No shopping locally other than wally world. Springfield is about 2h 15min away and has all the shopping you need. No national chain resturants but there are 3 or 4 good local ones. My son and his wife (the doctor) asked "why did you move to Arkansas of all places?". They changed their mind when they came to visit. There are two real good reasons for moving here, one is John Berry and the other is myself, you can't meet nicer people. We will certainly extend a hand and welcome you.

Don A


Mt Home has a lot more choices of where to eat and shop than Harrison. Plus a lot more places to fish with White River, Norfork River, Buffalo River, Crooked Creek and Bull SHoals and Norfork lakes within 30 minutes drive. If you want another experience you are 60 minutes from Batesville on the middle white river and there are some huge walleye in it along with stripers plus largemouth, smallmouth and spots. Some of the best Bluegill fishing I have found anywhere!!!

Marion County has affordable taxes.


I really appreciate all the info, guys. I`'ll plan a trip sometime so the wife and I can come down and snoop around. I suppose I should plan that around a day guided by

John. My wife can read for a few hours. She's not much of a fisherman anymore.

Don, Do you guide also?...sorry for my ignorance.


No sir I am not a guide. I strongly recommend John. He is not only a great guide but a real gentleman, even though he tells me I only know how to tie one fly.

Don A


Give me a call I would enjoy fishing with you. The reason that I tell Don that he only knows how to tie one fly is that everytime I see him on the river I ask what fly he is using. I get the same answer every time! By the way he fishes every day and catches a lot of trout.

John Berry


Fly Fishing For Trout




...everytime I see him on the river I ask what fly he is using. I get the same answer every time!...

Is it related to the answer I give when someone asks where I caught my fish? "In the mouth..." :lol:



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


John you will be happy to know I have actually tied up some zebras in different colors and some Y2Ks. I am really going to try and fish with them. It will be hard to break away from Don's bug. Terry I really do fish with just one fly pattern, different sizes but the same pattern. Have fished it all over the United States and have caught trout with everywhere I have fished it.

Don A

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