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We had the election of officers at the January meeting. The new officers are:

President: Dave Cook

Vice-President Roger Theroux

Secretary: Gary Davission

Treasurer: Debbie Jacques

Past President: Debbie Jacques

Members at Large:

Charles Jacques, Gary Rose, Marvin Alison, Merril Miller & Tom Criswell

I know Wednesday, March 1, a Holy Holiday to Fishermen (Opening Day) but all of you, who will not be going to Bennett or Roaring River, please try to attend the Lunker Dinner. The Lunker Dinner/Installation of Officers will be held at Fleming Hall on February 28, 2006. The Rib Crib will cater the Dinner. The menu is as follows: Sliced Brisket, Smoked Turkey, Pulled Pork, Ranch-Style Beans, Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Green Beans, etc. The cost is $12 per person, kids under 12 are free. We need a few side dishes (chips, dip, veggies) and desserts. I need to know by noon February 22 if you will be attending. You can contact me at 816-356-5710 or 816-668-3039. (Please leave a message if we don’t answer) Our guest speakers will be Bill Babler, White River Outfitters and Phil Lilley, Lilley’s Landing. They will present a program on fishing Taneycomo, Table Rock Bull Shoals and the White River. They will also have information of packages available to the club for guide services, lodging, etc. I want to thank everyone who has helped me for the past two years. I have enjoyed our outings, club functions and the friendships that we have formed. We have many events scheduled for the coming year and we all need to work together to accomplish them.

2006 MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE. You may mail your dues to MTFA, PO Box 3203, Harry S Truman Station, Independence, MO 64055, or if you are attending the Lunker Dinner on the 28th you may pay them then.

Trout Fishing at Taneycomo (By Gary Davisson)

A great time was had by all who went on the Taneycomo fishing trip on Feb 4th and 5th. Most of the club members arrived Friday night and stayed at the Table Rock Inn & Restaurant. We met for breakfast and fellowship between 8 & 9 AM on Saturday morning and then headed for the river. The weather was cool but sunny and some unwanted wind.

They were not generating any power so the water level was down and the fish seemed to be congregated in the pools. Scuds seemed to be the choice diet of the day. I hope that if you were not able to attend you will try and make it next year.

We shared our fishing reports on Sunday morning at breakfast and Dave made us pose for a group photo. I think we broke his camera, what a motley crew we were.


Feb 28, 2006 Lunker Dinner/Installation of Officers will be held at Fleming Hall, 6:30 p.m.

Mar 16-18, 2006 Sow Bug Festival, Mountain Home Arkansas. Tom Criswell and Joe Fusco will be Tying at this event.

Mar 25, 2006 Pre-Derby Meeting Bennett time to be announced later. Club Outing.

April 2006 Family Out Door Day Chillicothe, MO. Date to be announced later.

May 6, 2006 Kids Fishing Derby Lake Jacomo.

May 13, 2006 Kids Derby Bennett Spring

May 20-21, 2006 60th Annual Spring Derby Bennett Spring

June 10-11, 2006 Free Fishing Weekend and Trout Fishing Showcase Bennett Spring.

June 17, 2006 Fly Fishing/Casting Clinic, MDC Chillicothe

July 8, 2006 Family Fun Day Fleming Hall 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Sept 11, 2006 Fly Tying/Rod Building Classes start

Sept 30/Oct 1, 2006 Fall Derby Roaring River

Oct 6-8, 2006 FFF Southern Council Conclave

Oct 24, 2006 Chili Dinner

Dec 10, 2006 Christmas Party Fleming Hall

Jan 9-14, 2007, Sports Show

Executive Board Meetings 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Fleming Meeting Hall

Regular Meetings 4th Tuesday of every month except June/July

Business Meeting begins 7:00 p.m. Unless otherwise posted.

President: Debbie Jacques 816-356-5710

Vice-President Gary Rose 816-228-3269

Secretary: Dave Cook 816-272-5194

Treasurer: Tom Criswell 816-229-2778

Past President: Carol Wright 816-272-5194

Members at Large:

Merril Miller Roger Theroux

Charles Jacques James (Red) Duncan



Email: kcmtfa@yahoo.com

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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