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I was just wandering if anyone has ever snagged the Little Niangua river for spoonies? I would think they would be in there but I have never heard nor tried myself.

Thanks, Drew

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!


I asked that same question earlier this year on the Lake of the ozarks thread. There's a kid here in town that fishes that area of the lake and said he did pretty good this year. Another guy from the catfish1 forum went there opening weekend and they caught I believe it was 7 between four of them up to 54 lbs.

That's a lot closer than Warsaw or Tablerock to me so I need to give it a try sometime I guess. By the way did you do any good up by the Oar House this past weekend?

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Wound up fishing Virginia, Haymaker, and Pappinsville last weekend. We tore them up! I'd venture to say we seen over 100 bills caught in two days. It was awesome! Going back Friday to the same places.

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!


Lordy that's way up the river, darn near to Kansas. Did you get any big ol sows?

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Yeah, they were all good ones over 55lbs. Had a couple in that 75 to 80 range. Plus had one break Meat Master and I wound up doing a back flip and landing on my head! Had to of been over 100! That's the one I'm after this weekend!

If You're Not In DEBT, You Ain't Bassin'!

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