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I thought someone would catch on...

Actually they were on a test run. These are new ducks to the fleet I believe but they rarely come up here and for good reason. I sent Jerry, our dock hand, out to inspect why 2 ducks went by and then a tug boat. My suspicions were correct- one had run aground at Short Creek.

Jerry talked to one of them. They said they draft 5-6 feet of water so the chances of getting past Fall Creek's gravel bar were nominal. They said their goal was to get to the dam but again... they didn't know the lake's characteristics.

As for trying to do business on Taney-- they have tried in the past but couldn't get a permit from the Corp- I think. There's been uproar about it in years past and now with the influx of boats from the Landing, I doubt it will happen, at least not up here.

I'd like to see it- the first time they would make a run up past the bridge- approaching monkey island- there's a flotilla of boats parked all over the lake. They weave in and out and get past the first hot fishing spot. Then they come to the Cooper Creek area- docks and boats oh my! They manage to get past them, only to swamp a small jon boat with a couple of 2 kids. Then the challenge - Short Creek. Everyone knows boats clog up the channel there all summer long. Turn around- not enough room. Backup- that's along way to back up! Might as well start fishing and pray for generation!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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I have a question...is there a season on them there white ducks, if so what do you use?

I have a question...is there a season on them there white ducks, if so what do you use?

If there aint a season there should be / Howitizer / Lotsa Meat Tendrizer

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Thats just too funny! I saw a similar white duck downtown today.. but it didnt get in the water.

Worse yet to run aground and not be able to navigate out of it.

Isnt this a case of " What were they thinking ? "

hmm.. Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.

  • Root Admin

White- my guess is the decals haven't been put on- they are "new".

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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Keep 'em down by the "landing" and we'll survive.

I just worry about those tires going over the gravel bars. Talk about "shuffling"...

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All i can say is when Branson Landing goes in and if it increases boat traffic any (which it will) I see a "no wake" zone going in around the downtown area and at least up to the 1st bridge heading "upstream".

I cannot imagine how many high speed boats will be running in this area with BPS new marina there...etc... (course the white ducks aren't high speed...haha)

Thats just too funny! I saw a similar white duck downtown today.. but it didnt get in the water.

Worse yet to run aground and not be able to navigate out of it.

Isnt this a case of " What were they thinking ? "

hmm.. Brian

More like "HERE'S YUR SIGN"


Obviously, this situation in itself justifies need for boatings regs in the Taney area from the dam to Fall Creek. It's definately not safe for passengers and pose a liability to the business as well. Tourists will love the rebar hole at proper water level. Who can be contacted about this potential hazard?

Don May

I caught you a delicious bass.

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