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What's the status on the river above Bennett? I've been looking at the Windyville gauge and don't really know how to judge what's normal. Thinking about doing a float from Charity to Hico or Williams to Moon Valley. Anybody got any current water conditions or floated it recently? PC

Cheers. PC


Just there couple hours ago its running high and we're suppose to get heavy rain.




I forgot to look at the guage for a Feb 29, 2008 reading. From what I see, you can only go back 30 days. The spring was around 2.5 on the guage and that was pretty fast on opening weekend.

The river was stained opening weekend and in some of the wider areas with rapids, you had to walk sideways to reduce your profile or the footing could become tricky.

Just guessing what the spring is doing now and comparing it to the river - I would say pretty swift. Plus the river takes longer to clear out (from what I have seen). I guess the good news is the spring looks like it has peaked so the rains may not be as significant as radar showed yesterday. Kansas has some rain moving that direction now.


Thanks guys .... I'm planning on going to BSSP this Friday .... hoping it doesn't blow out again before then. Also, I was wanting to do some river fishing on 5/2. One of my favorite floating and wading places is the upper Niangua. Maybe I'll knock-off a little early on Friday and drive down to Charity and Hico and take a look. Anybody driven over Duesenberry Creek on JJ or B recently? Was wondering what it looked like. PC

Cheers. PC

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