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Fished at the bottem of the spillway friday not alot of luck but did catch 1 flathead. went back saturday took the boat and threw out some jugs way on the otherside of the river so they would not interfear with anyone fishing from the bank. My brother cought some real nice channel cats and when it got dark we launched out 5 in bluegill on long rods and around 10:30 my brother had a good hit and set the hook it was a 30 to 40 lb flathead got it 3 feet from the bank and broke 30#test line and swam away we stood on the bank looking sad. at daylight hoped for a monster on the jugs but olny had a 4lb flat and a 10lb channel. the 4lb flat had a 6in blue gill in it when we cleaned it I guess it was hungry to eat the 4in bluegill on our jug too. Flathead bite was not great but the channel cat was good can catch a limit easy if you wanted to.


Hey is it ok to put in just before you get down below the Dam? You know where I'm talking about?I've only been down there a few times.

Was you just using Live Bait?



I have been in the lake a few times heard it was good but iI never had mutch luck in the lake just never put my time in to learn it most of the lake is real shallow 4 ft range the rest is full of stumps a real hazard for a prop moter. I fish a the bottom of the spillway and always do good with crappi bass catfish few walleye I like it there because you never know what your next hook set will bring. I was using all bluegill after dark the channel cat came with chicken liver. Went back lastnight no flatheads and alot of heavey rain and lightning went out at daylight and cought some channelcats on chicken liver. I may go to the gasconade see if any flatheads are home tonight.


my brother went saturday night and cought a 10 lb flathead and 11 channel cats the. funny how I can fish all night and not catch any flats and he can go and land one and had another get away in a few hours with less hooks in the water fishing the same spots I do. the water had a good steadey rise while he was there probley had alot to do with it.

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