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The wife and I got to the park around noon on Sunday. Fished with nothing but dries on Sunday. There was just enough action to keep it interesting. No hatches ... just a few sippers. Took fish on assorted cracklebacks and PEDs. Took fish in both Zones 1 and 2. Started at the siren on Monday fishing the Zone 2 riffles. Caught fish on every cast for an hour ... used the white marabou midge. Went back to the BSP Inn for breakfast and then headed to the river. See Niangua river report for that one. The human hatch was surprisingly large ... but there was absolutely fantastic weather. PC

Cheers. PC

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OK, rub it in. Awesome weather. Glad you made it down though. I hope it's nice when we head down end of next week. I'm ready! Guess I'll tie up some marabou midges too. Look too simple to work. How did you fish them? Should be fun on the new 7' 3-wt.



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Troy ... It really was nice weather. The park is the park ... pretty much know what to expect. It was nice to get down to the river ... hadn't done that in a while. Going to have to do a float or something.

Cheers. PC


WOW PC sounds like the fishing was great. I hope to get down over the labor day weekend! Not sure I've heard of the marabou midge?

WOW PC sounds like the fishing was great. I hope to get down over the labor day weekend! Not sure I've heard of the marabou midge?

ditto on the marabou midge. anybody have a recipe and/or pic they can post?


Dove nailed it. I was looking for something similar but simpler than the G-Bug and came across these. The ones I'm currently fishing I actually purchased from Big Y. I fish them like a nymph. I use #18s. Weigh'em down with a single split shot about a foot above the fly. Used 6X tippet. Use a small strike indicator 4 feet up. Cast upstream, bounce'em along the bottom. They work real good in skinnier water. Haven't tried tieing any yet ... looks pretty simple though. Now that I've figured out they work pretty well, I'll try to replicate maybe in a #16. I've got a suspicion that the #16 would be a little more durable and a little more visible to those of us that can't see. RC .... the fishing was good .... the weather was great.

Cheers. PC

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I tied up some #20 white marabou midges last night based on the one you gave me. I first tied on a single strand of flashabou. Then tied on about 4 herls of white marabou and wrapped it forward and tied it off. Then spiralled up the flash in about 4 wraps. Tied off and that was it. Is there any other color that might be worth tying up in this pattern? There wasn’t supposed to be any lead weight in these was there? You reckon this is patterning the fish guts? OK some #16s would be huge but nice on the eyes for sure.


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