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Thanks Dano for the flybox thread. Very interesting.

I didn't want to hijack the topic so I will start another one based on one of the comments.

What no dry flies.

I have my "go to" flies but seldom fish dry flys. I have two questions for comments.

What flies would you recommend for fishing Taneycomo or the parks in Missouri?

Who would you recommend as the best dry fly guide to teach how and where to fly fish Taneycomo?

Thom Harvengt



I would never be without small elk hair caddis'. I think they represent as close to the caddisflys we see on the local streams. I have had considerable luck with them.

Another one to not be without is a Griffiths Gnat. It represents a cluster of midges on the surface.

They are certainly productive during a hatch. Finally never be without a black foam beetle, especially at the trout parks.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Concur with Dano, plus I like small stimulators (sz 16), cracklebacks in a multitude of sizes and a little midge called a "matt's midge (just black superfine dubbing on a size 16 or 18 hook with small white poly wing and a few wraps of grizzly hackle) works very well at Bennett Springs.

  Thom said:
What flies would you recommend for fishing Taneycomo or the parks in Missouri?

Who would you recommend as the best dry fly guide to teach how and where to fly fish Taneycomo?

Q1 A: Cracklebacks, Renegades and Griffith's Gnats, all size 16 and smaller.

Q2 A: ME! Especially if you buy me lunch! Seriously though, I'm always looking for an excuse to go, so if you want to learn Taneycomo, I'll go with you. I've been fishing it since I was a kid. PM me and we'll set something up.

Paul Rone

  troutchaser said:
Seriously though, I'm always looking for an excuse to go, so if you want to learn Taneycomo, I'll go with you. I've been fishing it since I was a kid. PM me and we'll set something up.

I wanna go too!!!! :donwan:

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


I usually carry a box of Mayflies and Caddis, and a box with Terrestrials and Stimulators. While trout normally feed subsurface, there are times when they are taking flies in the film or on the surface. I have noticed alot of flyfisherman using scuds and nymphs while fish are feeding actively on the surface or in the film.

Friday at Montauk, the air was filled with midges and a few caddis. But, they were not falling in the water, so the trout were not feeding on them. I used a midge nymph and caught fish. They did pick off a caddis or two when they dropped in close. The midges in the air were size 24 or smaller, and like Dano, I can't fish what I can't see. You will not see a fly in my boxes smaller than 18.

Most warm days, there will be a group of insects that complete their lifecycle by either dying and falling back to water or getting picked off while depositing eggs. If you notice dimples or fish rising to the surface of the water and taking something off the top, look at the water and see what is floating by and imitate it. If it is flying by, catch it and look to see if you have something to match it.

Another good time to go to drys is anytime you see fish near the top of the water column. They may just be looking for a meal to drop in. This is the time for a beetle, ant, Stimulator pattern, or a hopper depending on the season. The Stimulator patterns like the Crackleback, Royal Coachman, Dry Woolys, and others can make this kind of trout strike.

I carry a variety of flies, both hackles and CDC. I use foam also for my beetles and as a float on some of my emergers. I took one Friday in the catch and release area on an emerger that used a foam back for a floating life vest to keep it just under the waters surface. I normally end up using some kind of a dry fly or emerger during the day except on days like today. It was windy, I was fishing rough water, and there were no fish near the surface. The main objective of flyfishing is to feed them what they are eating. You have to pay attention to the water, turn over a few rocks, and wave your hat around to see what is on the menu.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson


Alright, Dan!

The more, the merrier.

Just a word of warning, though: I don't fish under an indicator. I learned to fly fish from a Limey (a.k.a. Brit, Redcoat, John Bull) and they'd rather die than use an indicator, so I use nymphs, but not like most locals.

Just let me know, Thom or Dan. I just need an excuse to get out there.

Paul Rone

  troutchaser said:
Alright, Dan!

Just let me know, Thom or Dan. I just need an excuse to get out there.

You got it...we'll get a trip up soon then.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Thom, if you are staying at Lilley's and Troutchaser or Dano are busy, you could always ask Phil!! I am sure he would be glad to take you out and provide a few pointers. Much fun when you finally catch the first one!! Ditto on the flies mentioned above for Taney. If I am fishing the parks, I also bring some foam ants and lady bugs.

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org


Biggest Rainbow I've ever landed was on a #16 foam ant at Roaring River.

Paul Rone

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