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I am heading down to Montauk State Park this coming weekend for opeing day trout season. I have camped down there during the summer and mostly i just sight fish with jigs in the bait areas and help my family catch fish. However, this time it will just be me and my friend heading down there, and i was hoping to strictly fly fish the whole time. (which is something i dont do there much)

I have fished at taney many times before and can usually do pretty well. Scuds, sowbugs, dries, and love to throw leeches and woolies at night. My main question is. . . Does anyone know if the same flies and everything work like down in taney? Or is it something totally different? Im up for any and EVERY piece of advice that anyone would like to throw my way. Thanks everyone!



If you are catching them at Taneycomo, I think you will find the trout park are easier to catch and the same things will work. Egg patterns will usually produce all year long in the parks, don't forget to try some San Juan worms. This time of the year the worms seem to work pretty well. As you mentioned wooly buggers are great - any color works good. Your micro jigs, scuds, sowbugs...any of them. If the water is stained, brighter colors seem to help. Good luck - but you will find they will hit just about anything.

I think early in the year you can get away with large flies. As the summer goes on and into July and August, small #18, #20 or smaller seem to be the ticket. I'll throw some #24 dries and they produce well.

There are some sections on the forum that are just about the parks, quite a bit of infomation there.


  • Root Admin

Moved this so it would get more attention from those who fish at Montauk.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


DT put it best early in the season they will take just about anything that comes there way not much of a challenge. I use woolybuggers in white do very well for me, #16-18 olive colored scuds have worked for me in the riffles sections, and SAN JUAN worms are killer.


Take your spinning rod for the first few hours on Sunday. Otherwise, you are going to have a hard time not pissing people off fly casting.



A worm pattern will work on trout any where in the world.

For a spinning rig, just have enough weight (tiny) to get them down but not too much to keep you from getting a perfect drift.

A worm pattern will work on trout any where in the world.

For a spinning rig, just have enough weight (tiny) to get them down but not too much to keep you from getting a perfect drift.

Thanks, I figured that was prolly the case.. I am looking forward to this weekend, but I will quit disrupting this thread..

Good luck at Montauk this weekend folks!


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