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Had a great time on the lake last week. We fished about everywhere from Rocky branch to about 10 miles up both rivers. We chased stripers the entire time but didnt have much luck. We would catch one or two each day, biggest a 27lber on the last day of the trip, most in the 7 to 12lb range. Best luck was on smaller sized shad and a few later in the week on big shiners. Caught several small largemouths and spots, one smallie, a crappie and 2 sand bass, one being a 3lb 11oz toad up the white river. Saw water temps from 49 on the main lake to 60 way up the War Eagle.


Looks like you guys had a great time...the fishing is only going to get better!!

Where did you guys get your shiners and catch your shad?

  • Members
Looks like you guys had a great time...the fishing is only going to get better!!

Where did you guys get your shiners and catch your shad?

We brought our shad with us from Western Oklahoma, shiners were purchased at hook line and sinker in rogers.


Wildeye - Were you able to keep your shad alive? Just curious how long they stayed alive and what you kep them in. I can net them over in OK, but keeping them alive long enough to make it back to fish them in Beaver is the challenge.

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