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I have the fishing itch so badly I can barely stand it! I am back to the forum after a long winter and so far a cool and wet Spring here in KC. I am hoping to get down to TRock perhaps for the weekend of May 8 but I am trying to dodge the likely rain days and string 3 days together when the storm potential is least. A little rain I can live with, its the lightning bolts that concern me. How is the water temp doing there and will the bass be still in pre spawn or on beds? Also, will there be a lot of tournaments at that time? Thanks in advance for the info. BTW, I am in the process of changing my moniker to avoid confusion with another forum member. Cheers

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I'll be down there that weekend myself. I had some luck last week on Shakey Head worms in green pumpkin. Lots of dinks, but occasionally a 3-4 pounders out from the bank a ways. I also got a few slow swimming smoke grubs. Had some decent luck on Senkos also. Not slaughtering them, but picking up a fish or two an hour, and the better fish coming early in the morning. I had top-water tied on, but saw very little action on top. I would think by the 8th of May, the topwater will be getting good. I had 50 degree water on 4/18, and by the time I left yesterday (4/26), I had found some 62 degree water. Saw lots of beds in the shallows with small males on them.


During the weekend of May 8th, TR pre-spawn will be over and the fish will be spawning. Water temps are now 59 in the a.m. and 63 in the p.m. at various locations. When you come, it will be alot warmer. I plan to continue to target N and NE banks (get the most sun). I plan to continue to target the backs of creeks as these will warm faster than the rest of the lake.

Good luck and have a great trip!

Captain Joe Hreha

Owner of MO Fenchbulldogs.com; Captain Joe's Guide Service (Retired); OAF Contributor; & Captain, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)


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