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  • Root Admin

Guided today for BA Electric of Broken Arrow, OK- I was one of 10 guides.

Most guides stayed down in the Landing area all day- it was tough and we earned every rainbow we boated. We caught our drifting and holding up behind docks, namely Fish House, Shorty Smalls and a couple of private docks. The trout seemed to be holding out of the current there. Jigs and Gulp Eggs- no minnows this time.

Chuck Gries said he and his guy spent half the day throwing stick baits above Fall Creek on the bluff banks and catching a few short browns but losing a nice trophy at the boat. Said they had alot of follows too.

4 units blowing thru... we're looking at the eddies and creek mouths for trout right now.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


I'll second that tough comment. I know some of the fish were caught drifting out in the current but only one of ours. The rest of them came out of any eddie or creekmouth we could sit still in.





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