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Hi Phil-

Had a great time as usual. Terrific fishing and great weather. Here's my report.

Sunday. April 9-

Started fishing about 3:45 at the Rebar riffle and hole. Used soft hackles and woolly buggers and several sizes/colors of scuds with no results. Moved on down the gravel bar and caught seven rainbows on olive woolly buggers and yellow cracklebacks. Quit at 5:45 to go eat.

Monday. April 10-

Hit the water about 9 AM below the end of the gravel bar {downstream from the rebar area} and had fast fishing for small rainbows for a while. Caught 10 to 12 on cracklebacks, then moved on down towards the waterfall and caught several more including 3 nice browns.

After lunch and a nap I got back in the water about 3 PM in the same place and quickly caught 5 or 6 rainbows on olive woolly buggers, then several more on yellow cracklebacks.

Tuesay. April 11-

Started fishing about 9 AM between the lower end of the same gravel bar and the waterfall and caught a brown, a cuttbow, and 16 rainbows, all o n #12 yellow cracklebacks.

After lunch I caught between 15 and 20 trout in the same area, all on the same crackleback. Two were nice browns - a 14 incher and an 18 incher. The rest were small rainbows.

Wednesday. April 12-

Got on the water a little earlier because I knew I had to drive home today. Started fishing at 8:30 between the lower end of the gravel bar and the waterfall and caught 23 rainbows and 2 browns in two and a half hours before quitting at 11 AM. Most of these fish were 11" to 13", but lots of fast action on an 8 wt. All were caught on #12 yellow cracklebacks.

Four days of beautiful weather and great fishing. Thanks, Phil.

Bruce Cochran

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg



How are you fishing the crackleback? On top and then skipping or on a sinking line?


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Sorry to take so long to get back to you on your crackleback question.

You can either fish them on a floating line or a sink tip. I do both. Either way you cast across or slightly downstream and let the fly swing around in the current. Usually I strip it as it swings. Sometimes most of the strikes will come on the swing and other times they come when the fly is directly downstream from you and you're stripping it back toward you. When fishing it on a floating line the fly usually rides just under the surface. With a sink tip it rides deeper. Lately I've had better luck using the sink tip, fishing in water from thigh to waist deep.


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