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Friday evening went out on the main channel. Between 8:30pm and midnight we caught a 38,33,25,15 and multiple smaller Blues. The weather was beutiful and the fishing was fantastic. All fish were caught on rod n reel and released unharmed after photographing. We did have to revive the 33 since he had been in the livewell the longest. See ya on the water!

  • Root Admin

Wow- you had quite a trip!! Rod & reel??!! I expected you to say trot line or jug lines! Care to share how you caught them? On what bait- what kind of rig... I'm not getting up there any time soon but there may be some that could.

I commend you for releasing them but most people say they'd be good eating. Do you not think so or do you just like to practice c/r?

And lastly.... pics!!!!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Members

Well I kept some small ones for the fryer last week. Yes I'm a big believer in CPR. Here are some pictures but they aren't too good. We caught these fish in the main channel near an outside bend where the channel changes from one side of the lake to the other. We caught them on shad using circle hooks. We had drift rigs on that we didn't bother to change and we were anchored in 12ft fishing into the channel edge at different depths. We chose to night fish due to the low water and high water temps. Two days prior to this I had caught 32 Blues drifting but none over ten hence the strategy change. I forgot to take a camera with me so we kept the fish in the livewell till we got back to the ramp. This almost proved costly, the 33lber took about an hour to recover enough to swim off on his own. Both the large fish were females and full of eggs. I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures, my fifteen year old wasn't sure how to use the camera. See ya on the water!




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