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  • Root Admin

We posted this on the Taneycomo Forum but I thought some of you Table Rock guys might be interested in helping out... you do know how to fish for trout, right??!?

Here's the schedule:

Sept. 19th - Saturday:

6:30a - Eat Breakfast

7:30a - Head out to Lake T. to fish

11:30a - Return to Lodge to have lunch

12:30p - Head out to Lake T. to fish

4:30p - Return to Lodge

6:00p - Come to pavillion for dinner

8:00p - Leave for Hits of the 60's Show

20th - Sunday:

6:30a - Eat Breakfast

7:30a - Head out to Lake T. to fish

11:30a - Return to Lodge to have lunch

12:30p - Head out to Lake T. to fish

4:30p - Return to Lodge & have awards for day

6:00p - Meet at pavillion for dinner

7:00p - Awards presentation

7:30p - Fly Tying (location TBD)

We need guides for both Saturday and Sunday. You don't have to be a official guide, just a fisherman with a boat to take one soldier fishing. Rods will be provided. Now, these guys would like to fly fish BUT just catching fish will be a plus so... bait is allowed!

I'd like to get enough guides to take one soldier in each boat - that's 10 guides each day. So if you can only do one day, that'd be great.

These are soldiers that have been injured/disabled in war. It's a real honor to do this.

Let me know so I can put you down!



Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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