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In theory, they (AGFC) could make ALL of the Norfork River total C & R ans still have MANY miles of trout water available for bait fisherman and/or catch and keep anglers. It wouldn't hurt to expand those oppurtunities on the White if you took those options away on the Norfork.

Also in theory, if they wanted to do what was "best" for the fish, they would shut down the upper Norofrk river (QP) any time the oxygen levels dropped below a level that made it harmful if not lethal for trout to be caught even if released later.

(Or find a way to supplement oxygen levels that didn't break the bank. )

Both rivers are wonderful places to fish. Both rivers probably have more trout stocked that would be healthy for the system IF there wasn't enough catch and keep being done.

I'm watching with mild interest. I don't expect expansion of C & R to stand. Traditions seem to be more important that wsat's "best " for the fishery.

Let's be 100% honest with ourselves here.... The White River is totally an unnatural trout fishery. The debate is not about what is best for the river, but what is best for the fisherman. I don't believe extended catch and release is best for the average fisherman.

If we were honest with ourselves, we would see that doing what's actually best for the river would involve tearing down the dam in the first place. That would be the only thing that would really help the river be more natural. I am not saying that we should do this (I would actually be strongly opposed to it), and trust me, I am very glad they stock the rivers with trout. But I am just saying any discussion about improving trout fishing on the White has nothing to do with what is best for the river. It is purely for our benefit.

With this point made, I would say that, considering that most likely the majority of those who fish the Norfork and the White River use bait and keep fish, it would not be best to extend catch and release areas. This is my opinion, and I'm willing to debate it.



The river in question is the Norfork. As you know its less than 5 miles long and receives an abundance of fishing pressure and its share of poaching. Water quality is also an issue on the Norfork, the first of the impounded lakes and subsequent tail waters in the region. Spend time by the dam when the lake turns over and smell the toxic soup flowing from the Norfork Lake. Its hit with periods of low dissolved oxygen more so than the other rivers. I certainly am not against catch and keep fishing; its good for the sport, its fun for the family, it brings dollars to the community. But so does trophy fish. Let me say I am on the fence as to single barbless hooks at this point. That issue can be debated both ways to whether multiple hooks cause more trout mortality. I just think its time the river had a rest until improvements can be made, if they can.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

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