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Hey all,

Just thought I would let you know that the Blair Bridge Public Access is getting a makeover. The road is closed at the top but the uppermost parking lot is still open for those who will carry their canoes or kayaks up that far from the river so that also means that drift boats and jon boats (anything requiring a trailer) are a no go for putting in or taking out at the access. It looks as though they are paving most of the roads in the access which will be really good....but MDC says it will probably take about a month and that is if the weather cooperates.

I'll try to post some photos as I float by it for the next few days.


  • Root Admin

Brian- how did the river fare in the past rains?

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

Hey Phil,

We call that our early fall flush. :) It did well, on it's way down now and will be below 1000 cfs by morning....fishing should be REALLY good real soon.



The key to catching fish in the near future with the water the way it is will be to fish SUPER deep. This kind of fishing is pretty close to chuck-and-duck style of fishing....get the flies down deep and keep then down there as long as you can. I would say a good set-up on this water would be a Rubber-Leg Stone with a San Juan Worm as a dropper.

Tomorrow I am finally getting to take a trip that was booked for Tuesday that luckily we could push off for a few days but I would say Friday the water could be about prime.

Fish DEEP.


hahaha, sorry to beat around the bush....that would be SUPER DEEP--or DEEP depending on your dialect. :)


Brian, what kind of rain event did you get Thurs? Will the river still be fishable Fri. afternoon? Thanks, Russ


Sorry Russ, I was on the water all day. Yes, it was fishable today....sorry to tell you that now though. :blush:

You can check water levels on the USGS site at the top of the NFOW page to see about fishability. Anything under 600 or 700 cfs is generaly wadeable.


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