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  • Root Admin

Had a trip this am. Took Toby and Don from Florida up to catch some trout.

Got to the cable and dropped some jigs to start. White, sculpin, sculpin/orange and olive 1/8th caught 6-7 nice rainbows on 4 drifts from the cable to KOA. Not real good though but the rainbows were nice size. Took a pic of the guys in outlet #1. Those poor trout... Duane told me a gal caught a 10 lb rainbow in the outlet a couple of hours after Sappington caught his. Released.

We boated down to Fall Creek at 10 am and drifted crawlers to Short Creek. Stayed in the middle and caught 8 to take home and 8 more for fun.

Sun is out. Not used to it. Fish didn't mind. Not a huge morning but not bad either.




Don caught a rock and this... a piece of roof tin.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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