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  • Root Admin

Brett Rader took pics and mentioned in a report recently about seeing and netting small rainbow fry below the dam. Brian Shaffer brought this to my attention so I checked it out.

I emailed James Cevillo, Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery manager, and ask him to take a look and comment.


He said if Bret is correct and there's that many fry along the banks, then there must be some natural reproduction happening. These rainbows could not have escaped from the hatchery, he said.

So what's the difference this season compared to others? No flow. I would say the beds at the top of rebar and others were left alone from hard generation long enough that the process of reproduction was given a chance and succeeded.

Brett's site, to give him credit - http://charteredwaters.com

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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Very cool photo.


Not as big as the chubs I caught

this weekend on Taney...

But...shor nuff purdier!

Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach


I always wondered why there wouldn't be any natural reproduction? So the normal generation usually takes it's toll on the beds then? Just the current of it I take it?

"He told us about Christ's disciples being fisherman, and we were left to assume...that all great fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fisherman and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman." - Norman Maclean-A River Runs Through It

  • Root Admin

I was told by Mike Kruse along time ago it was the water temp... too cold. Didn't ever understand that. But look at the White River and brown trout - they do fine temp or not, generation or not.


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So, if they were ever able to get to control the amount of water released from the dam, they would be able to produce an atmosphere that allowed natural reproduction most years? i don't know, any thoughts? Think of the stress that could be taken off the hatchery to produce fish, especially during drought years like we've been having. If Tany could produce even 15-20k fish without the hatchery a year, you could increase the number of fish in Tany and even produce some extras for other fisheries since production has been down at the other hatcheries for a couple of years. Also, the hatchery improvements they are adding around the state are supposed to improve production. Think of the win-win situation all these things could provide for all the trout fisheries in Missouri. I'm rambling and dreaming I guess.





The drought is the answer.

Thank you Phil - but I would still believe those must be hatchery escapees. But odds of natural reproduction in Taney is quite limited. It has been written - I believe in Ozark Trout Tale's that OUR reproduction is / has / and will still be around 2.5% due to our water relief, that's questionable.

Arkansas has had higher rates.. because they raised more browns during the hay day / until lately. Thier findings have dropped. Low, slow water has dwindled the numbers of all 4 species.

If you catch a trout in Taney smaller than 3inches .. take a few pics. That's rare! But surely let her go!

happy fishing - Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.


i don't understand why they can't reproduce in taney. does the hatchery get water from a different place than the tailwater? the generation disturbing beds makes sense to me, but with little to no generation, why wouldn't they be able to reproduce? i dunno, i just don't get it.

Cute animals taste better.

  • Root Admin

Brian - the fry are kept in tanks inside until they are much larger, then released into raceways where there they have a chance to escape into the lake. James was positive they weren't from the hatchery.

Wish I could MDC to get on here and post... but they have not agreed to... yet.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Just a thought, but could it be that only certain strains are capable of spawning here. Possibly the ideal genetic make up crosses with the ideal condition????

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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