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At your pond, fishing

darn IT!...Get in the truck!...GET THE GUN! GET THE GUN! LOL

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

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If you look at the Board Statistics it shows we only have 4,973 registered users. I think we had the others killed because they were from Minnesota.

Of course! It’s all so clear to me now!

Their fingers are frozen!

No wonder they can’t type.

The poor little things are probably just sitting there with their frozen little nubs yelling at the screen, trying to communicate but can’t get through!

See that’s why I moved away from MN! It’s so cold there that people have to set there cloths on fire just to make it from the car into the house. Did you see that one guy from MN (Crappiemagnet) the other day spasms out on me? He told me he wasn’t my only friend and to stick it where the sun don’t shine! I think I’ll rename him crankymagnet instead! He probably got up and sat down naked on a metal chair. It’s hard to be nice when you have a chair stuck to your balls! LOL I can just see him now chasing his cat around trying to get a little pussy but he can't catch it because the cat can hear the chair dragging the floor! LOL

Stay away from MN.

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

It’s too bad that we’ll never meet the real guys with the true knowledge of the river. I’m talking about the guys born and raised around here that are old now. Men like our grandfathers who fished for food and not just so much for fun. These old timers not only knew the river they had a feel for her rhythms. But I doubt men like that would be on a forum like this or would even know how to use a computer.

They are here. And they are not all old timers. Those that know are just a little tight lipped around folks they don't know. You are not gonna walk up to one and start getting the info you are looking for. You won't get in year.

But if you are willing to invest the time and effort to get to know them you will learn. And slowly they will let loose of a little more and little more. Depending on our YOU interact with them. Personally I am proud to be a hillbilly. But the way you use the term, ain't scoring you any brownie points. If you catch my drift. Not putting you down, just giving some advice for you to use so you may gain the advice you are looking for.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors

They are here. And they are not all old timers. Those that know are just a little tight lipped around folks they don't know. You are not gonna walk up to one and start getting the info you are looking for. You won't get in year.

But if you are willing to invest the time and effort to get to know them you will learn. And slowly they will let loose of a little more and little more. Depending on our YOU interact with them. Personally I am proud to be a hillbilly. But the way you use the term, ain't scoring you any brownie points. If you catch my drift. Not putting you down, just giving some advice for you to use so you may gain the advice you are looking for.

Well I understand what you’re saying. However on the other hand I don’t plan on marring anybody just to get some either if you know what I mean. The conversations I’ll have and the things I’d like to know, I’ll find out on my own if I have too. My goals are short term so I don’t plan on taking on any long term debt. It’s the same way out here in the real world. People take time to warm up to you and share their knowledge on things with you. I myself am a people person and tend to go that extra mile to help someone out. I believe God intended in me being that way. You couldn’t count the kids and adults that I’ve taught to fish and helped, then sent on their way, down through the years in my life time. I’m looking for people like me and if there are none here to find then I’ll just move on to some place else where I’ll have better luck.

I was born and raised in this neck of the woods. (well, two counties away) Yes, I moved away and lived in MN for twenty years chasing the money trail. But I’ve been back for ten years and have never forgotten my roots or the fact that I too am a hillbilly. Now unless you can quote me and prove me wrong I’ll stand by the statement that I am not the one you are thinking of who said anything negative about hillbillies. If anything I tried to stand up for them and shed a little truth as to how they feel. Of course I can not speak for 100% of everybody. And there are always exceptions to the rule. I ask for very little and I never take but what I give back. I have shared with others some of the places I fish. Want to catch 10lb Rainbow trout? I told a secret spot where I do it. Want large smallmouth? I told where I find them. Want to know something else? If I can help just ask me.

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

Now unless you can quote me and prove me wrong I’ll stand by the statement that I am not the one you are thinking of who said anything negative about hillbillies.

"We’ve all seen the local poor white trash ignorant beer drinking hillbillies do their thing." -Buckshotdad1960, Old Man River Part I

Sorry Buck, I couldn't resist. You should ask a politician about "the Google." It's tough to deny stuff you said these days. Seems there's a record of everything. ;)

"We’ve all seen the local poor white trash ignorant beer drinking hillbillies do their thing." -Buckshotdad1960, Old Man River Part I

Sorry Buck, I couldn't resist. You should ask a politician about "the Google." It's tough to deny stuff you said these days. Seems there's a record of everything. ;)

Aahh yes, my sarcasm. Now I see what he was saying. Ok, you got me, I’m a hillbilly basher! Well, at least as far as the hillbilly trashier are concerned. Nice job Eric1978, well aren’t you the little hall monitor! Nothing gets past you! LOL And I’m sure you couldn’t resist, that’s why no one likes you and you have no friends! LOL But hey, you get a cookie and the satisfaction of knowing I’d like to stick my boot in your *ss! LOL

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

Aahh yes, my sarcasm. Now I see what he was saying. Ok, you got me, I’m a hillbilly basher! Well, at least as far as the hillbilly trashier are concerned. Nice job Eric1978, well aren’t you the little hall monitor! Nothing gets past you! LOL And I’m sure you couldn’t resist, that’s why no one likes you and you have no friends! LOL But hey, you get a cookie and the satisfaction of knowing I’d like to stick my boot in your *ss! LOL

:D Don't take me too seriously, Buck. I just get a kick out of getting you riled up. Everyone is my friend. I'm like Ghandi. Well, except for one guy who got all bent out of shape for no reason. Really, though, if you feel like I'm giving you a hard time, I'm not, so take my comments with a grain of salt.

A little note on the word "hillbilly." To me there are two types. Some good, some bad. The bad ones disgust me. The good ones, well, some of them are some of my favorite people. So I don't really have any problems with hillbillies, just hillbillies who litter and poach fish.

:D Don't take me too seriously, Buck. I just get a kick out of getting you riled up. Everyone is my friend. I'm like Ghandi. Well, except for one guy who got all bent out of shape for no reason. Really, though, if you feel like I'm giving you a hard time, I'm not, so take my comments with a grain of salt.

A little note on the word "hillbilly." To me there are two types. Some good, some bad. The bad ones disgust me. The good ones, well, some of them are some of my favorite people. So I don't really have any problems with hillbillies, just hillbillies who litter and poach fish.

Well Ghandi, who can argue with that! LOL

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

Well I understand what you’re saying. However on the other hand I don’t plan on marring anybody just to get some either if you know what I mean. The conversations I’ll have and the things I’d like to know, I’ll find out on my own if I have too. My goals are short term so I don’t plan on taking on any long term debt. It’s the same way out here in the real world. People take time to warm up to you and share their knowledge on things with you. I myself am a people person and tend to go that extra mile to help someone out. I believe God intended in me being that way. You couldn’t count the kids and adults that I’ve taught to fish and helped, then sent on their way, down through the years in my life time. I’m looking for people like me and if there are none here to find then I’ll just move on to some place else where I’ll have better luck.

I was born and raised in this neck of the woods. (well, two counties away) Yes, I moved away and lived in MN for twenty years chasing the money trail. But I’ve been back for ten years and have never forgotten my roots or the fact that I too am a hillbilly. Now unless you can quote me and prove me wrong I’ll stand by the statement that I am not the one you are thinking of who said anything negative about hillbillies. If anything I tried to stand up for them and shed a little truth as to how they feel. Of course I can not speak for 100% of everybody. And there are always exceptions to the rule. I ask for very little and I never take but what I give back. I have shared with others some of the places I fish. Want to catch 10lb Rainbow trout? I told a secret spot where I do it. Want large smallmouth? I told where I find them. Want to know something else? If I can help just ask me.

I was just offering a little advice to help you obtain the information you are looking for. I see you have it figured out though. And it appears to be working too.

Chief Grey Bear

Living is dangerous to your health

Owner Ozark Fishing Expeditions

Co-Owner, Chief Executive Product Development Team Jerm Werm

Executive Pro Staff Team Agnew

Executive Pro Staff Paul Dallas Productions

Executive Pro Staff Team Heddon, River Division

Chief Primary Consultant Missouri Smallmouth Alliance

Executive Vice President Ronnie Moore Outdoors

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