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Great time today at the Pavilion below the dam. Cold, but not as windy as the last 2 years. Quite a few old faces and some new ones.

Sure appreciate all those who brought the nice eats... Don's pepper poppers, Duane's brats, Gray's meat balls and much more.

Water was off. Jeremy said he caught fish on a big ugly early. They were midging- yes sir. When I went down to the water, there were waves of bugs swarming the surface and the rainbows were very active. Good number of waders fishing. Lots in the rebar run. I caught a few rainbows on various soft hackles and midges but I didn't tear them up like others did. Don caught quite a few on a midge. The Doty's did well on scuds and eggs.

I'll let everyone do their own reporting... you don't need my help!

It was fun... and there's alot of weekend left.





Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Those brats look delicious! Dano, sorry you couldn't make it. Great to meet you at Roaring River. Met duckydoty and his fishing fool female wife at RR. Hope to make one of the new years trips in the future. I've got to come down with the boat and my wife once and stay at Lilley's. Would like to meet you Phil! Maybe Chief and Buzz would be in tow... they'll see this, and the phone will be ringing! Thanks for this forum Phil!



Yeah, KC, the first one I missed and hated that I couldn't....Its always a great time and a way to start off the New Year.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Good to see everyone and meet new ones at the gathering. I had to leave a little early due to commitments to the wife and dogs...

It was a great day with the sun shining, no wind, and the water was off... It was cold, but bearable. Fishing was slow, but did manage to bring a couple to hand. Everyone seemed to report the same. GREAT brats, dogs, and meatballs! Oh... and stuffed jalapenos too!!! The patio heaters were the bomb, Phil... thanks from bringing them.

We keep talking about doing one of these in warmer weather... I vote we try for May or June...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


You guys who didn't come out missed having a great time. Sometimes you need to forgo the fishing part and come for the conversation. You can always learn something by talking to other with similar interests. The fact is the fishing part turned out to be pretty good and the day was beautiful and we had tons of great food. Next year come to see great friends and talk about your favorite sport and it just might be a great day to fish on top of it. If it isn't then it is not wasted because you got to talk to others and gained insight and knowledge.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


Couldn't make it this year, but sounds like you had good weather, great eats and fellowship!

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org


One of these years I'll make it down. I barely have time to fish, let alone hang around talking about fishing.

Glad everyone had fun.

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