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Cabin Fever


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cabin fever finally got to me, so I hooked up, put 3 inch ruts in my yard, and went to Swan creek park. put in, a little rough going down, and fired up. Started feeling good! Motor started right up, just like a new one. Turned on the HB and the new DI worked perfect too! Went up to the Pothole and things started going down from there. Most of the water is 12 ft or less. Found one spot that was 17 ft. Temp is 41 degrees, running water thru the wheels all the time. Just as soon as I got there the horn starts blasting. I think this will be good since I catch most of my fish there when there is a strong current. Wrong! They let down one board and dumped lots of trash, trees,etc,then raised the board again. Not one bite. Didn't see anyone catch any thing either. Run to Barker Hole, nothing , snag the bottom lots trying to vertical jig. Run to Beaver Creek. Same story only some one has placed a large dock across from the marina. Looks like part of the marina docks moved while they are building on. Temp 41 degrees every where. Got over the Fever though. Maybe next week when it warms up a little.

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