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Captain Joe, you offered some suggestions for my friend who was having trouble getting his HDS 10 to lock on the bottom. Your suggestion to turn the sonar off before raising the motor to the stow position was the answer to the problem. Thanks for the tip.




Really incredible images. The detail on todays sonars is getting so good it's going to be impossible to dump a body in any of these lake for fear of being found, LOL !!!

It was a pleasure to say hello to you CaptainJoe at Bills seminar.


How do I deal with those who ignore the 50 yard encroachment rule?......I show them just how accurate I am with a crank bait! rtj4bb.gif


Captain Joe, you offered some suggestions for my friend who was having trouble getting his HDS 10 to lock on the bottom. Your suggestion to turn the sonar off before raising the motor to the stow position was the answer to the problem. Thanks for the tip.



Glad the stop sonar feature worked. Thanks for letting me know.

Mike.....the images are incredible. I find myself watching it too much, though. It was great meeting you, as well.

Captain Joe Hreha

Owner of MO Fenchbulldogs.com; Captain Joe's Guide Service (Retired); OAF Contributor; & Captain, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)


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